§ 1214.109 - Scheduling.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Establishment of a launch date. (1) NASA will assign a tentative launch date for a payload only after NASA's receipt, review and acceptance of a customer-submitted NASA Form 1628 requesting flight assignment and NASA's receipt of the customer's earnest money.

    (2) NASA's confirmation of a particular launch date will be at the time a launch services agreement is signed, normally not later than 36 months prior to the desired launch date.

    (b) NASA changes to launch date. NASA will attempt to maintain the customer's launch date as long as the customer's obligations, as established by NASA, are met. However, NASA may revise the launch date under those circumstances contained in the launch agreement. If practical, NASA launch date changes will be in consultation with the customer; however, NASA reserves the unilateral right to make decisions with regard to launch schedules.

    (c) Payload delivery. NASA, in consultation with the customer, will establish a date for payload delivery to the launch site.

    (d) Reflight scheduling. NASA will attempt to schedule a payload reflight at the earliest opportunity, but normally no earlier than 14 months after a determination is made that a customer is entitled to, and in fact requests a reflight.