§ 1214.1704 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • (a) NASA policy is to provide Space Shuttle flight opportunities to persons (individuals outside the professional categories of NASA astronauts and payload specialists) whose presence onboard the Space Shuttle is not required for operation of payloads or for other essential mission activities, but is determined by the Administrator of NASA to contribute to other approved NASA objectives or to be in the national interest. However, flight opportunities for space flight participants will not be available in the near term. NASA will assess Shuttle operations and mission and payload requirements on an annual basis to determine when it can begin to allocate and assign space flight opportunities for future space flight participants, consistent with safety and mission considerations. When NASA determines that a flight opportunity is available for a space flight participant, first priority will be given to a “teacher in space,” in fulfillment of space education plans.

    (b) To be considered for selection as space flight participants, applicants must:

    (1) Be free of medical conditions which would either impair the applicant's ability to participate in, or be aggravated by, space flight, as determined by NASA physicians.

    (2) Be willing to undergo appropriate background investigation.

    (3) Be willing to undergo necessary training.

    (4) Meet additional requirements that may be stated in Announcements of Opportunity (AO) soliciting applications for particular spaceflights.

    (c) Persons accepted as space flight participant candidates will enter into an agreement with NASA for the period of training, flight, debriefing, and post-flight activities. The agreements will cover such pertinent matters as, but not limited to, responsibilities and authorities of the respective parties, compensation where appropriate, insurance, and liability.

    (d) Typically the selection of space flight participants will be based on their comparative abilities to fulfill the objectives and purposes stated in Announcement of Opportunities (AO's) covering one or more Space Shuttle missions in which their participation is desired. A NASA-designated outside review panel will evaluate the qualifications of applicants to select those who most appropriately meet those purposes of participant flight associated with the particular AO. NASA will retain the authority to make final selection of space flight participants for flight training and eventual flight from among those applicants rated most highly in the review process. NASA will encourage the participation of a wide and diverse array of participants, including women and minorities.