§ 1221.108 - Establishment of the NASA Unified Visual Communications System.  

Latest version.
  • § 1221.108 Establishment of the NASA Unified Visual Communications System.

    (a) The NASA Administrator directed the establishment of a NASA Unified Visual Communications System. The system, which is comprised of the NASA Graphics Standards Manual and any accompanying style guides or related NASA directive or specification, was developed under the Federal Design Improvement Program initiated by the President in May 1972. This system is the Agencywide Agency-wide program by which NASA projects a contemporary, business-like, progressive, and forward-looking image through the use of effective design for improved communications. The system provides a professional and cohesive NASA identity by imparting continuity of graphics design in all layout, reproduction art, stationery, forms, publications, signs, films, video productions, vehicles, aircraft, and spacecraft markings and other items. It creates a unified image which is representative and symbolic of NASA's progressive attitudes and programs.

    (b) The Associate Administrator for Public Affairs Communications is responsible for the development and implementation of the NASA Unified Visual Communications System. With the development of the NASA Unified Visual Communications System, the Office of Public Affairs at NASA Headquarters created the NASA Graphics Standards Manual and the NASA Insignia Standards Supplement which are the official any accompanying style guides for the use and application of the NASA Insignia and the NASA Unified Visual Communications SystemAgency or related NASA directive or specification.

    (c) The Associate Administrator for Public Affairs, NASA Headquarters, Communications has designated a NASA Graphics Coordinator staff to implement and monitor Agencywide Agency-wide design improvements in consonance with the NASA Graphics Standards Manual, the NASA Insignia Standards Supplement, and the NASA Unified Visual Communications System. The NASA Graphics Coordinator . Designated staff will develop and issue changes and additions to the manual Manual as required and as new design standards and specifications are developed and approved. Copies of the The NASA Graphics Standards Manual and the NASA Insignia Standards Supplement may be obtained directly from the NASA Graphics Coordinator, Office of Public Affairs, NASA Headquarters.

    (d) The Director of each Field Installation has designated an official to serve as Graphics Coordinator for his/her Installation. The Director, HQ Operations Division, has designated an official to serve as the Headquarters Graphics Coordinator. Any changes in these assignments shall be reported to the NASA Graphics Coordinator, NASA Headquarters, Code POS.

    (e) Graphics Coordinators are responsible for ensuring compliance with the NASA Graphics Standards Manual, the NASA Insignia Standards Supplement, and the NASA Unified Visual Communications System for their respective Installations.

    (d) NASA Centers and Headquarters have designated staff to implement NASA's graphics standards and ensure compliance of the NASA Graphics Standards Manual and any accompanying Style Guides or related NASA directive or specification.

    [85 FR 71830, Nov. 12, 2020]