§ 1260.10 - Proposals.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Consistent with 31 U.S.C. 6301(3), NASA's policy is to use competitive procedures to award grants whenever possible. A grant can result from:

    (1) A proposal submitted in response to a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) such as a NASA Research Announcement (NRA) or an Announcement of Opportunity (AO), a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN), an Agencywide program announcement such as the Graduate Student Research Program, or other forms of announcements approved by the Associate Administrator for Procurement (HS). NRA's are described in the NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) 48 CFR 1835.016. AO's are described in 48 CFR part 1872.

    (2) An unsolicited proposal. (See §1260.17.)

    (b) The proposal shall contain a detailed narrative description of the work to be undertaken, including the objectives of the project and the applicant's plan for carrying it out.

    (1) All proposals shall include budget data as prescribed in the Budget Summary (Exhibit A to subpart A of this part 1260, available at the address given in Exhibit A). Narrative detail must support the proposed budget as required in Exhibit A.

    (i) The recipient institution is responsible for ensuring that costs charged are allowable, allocable, and reasonable under the applicable cost principles governed by OMB Circular No. A-21 or A-122. For other details see §1260.127.

    (ii) Subject to applicable cost principles, facilities and administrative cost rates are negotiated between recipients and the cognizant agencies assigned under OMB Circular No. A-21. NASA is required to apply the applicable negotiated rate for all grants awarded to the recipient.

    (iii) NASA may accept cost sharing when voluntarily offered. For further guidance see §1260.123. For grants and cooperative agreements with commercial organizations that involve costs sharing, see 14 CFR part 1274. The amount of cost sharing will not be a factor in determining whether to select a proposal for award. However, recipients may be requested to secure nonfederal matching funds equal to the program portion of training and education grants. In accordance with NASA policy to foster continuity of research, multiple year grant proposals are encouraged, where appropriate, for a period generally up to three years. Proposals for multiple year grants shall describe the entire research project and include a complete budget for year one and separate estimates for each subsequent year.

    (iv) Payment of fee or profit is consistent with an activity whose principal purpose is the acquisition of goods and services for the direct benefit or use of the United States Government, rather than an activity whose principal purpose is assistance. Therefore, the grants officer shall use a procurement contract, rather than assistance instrument, in all cases where fee or profit is to be paid to the recipient of the instrument or the instrument is to be used to carry out a program where fee or profit is necessary to achieving program objectives. Grants and cooperative agreements shall not provide for the payment of fee or profit to the recipient.

    (2) A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be included with the address listed on the proposal. If an award is made, advance payments cannot be made without a TIN (31 U.S.C. 7702(c)(1)).

    (3) A Dun and Bradstreet, Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number shall be included on the Cover Page of all proposal submissions. Before submitting a proposal, all applicants shall have an active registration in the Department of Defense, Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database and shall obtain a Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) code. Prior to award, the grant officer shall verify active registration in the CCR database, by using the DUNS number or, if applicable, the DUNS+4 number, via the Internet at http://www.ccr.gov or by calling toll free: (888) 227-2423, commercial: (269) 961-5757.

    (c)(1) All announcements for grant and cooperative agreement funding opportunities shall require the applicant to submit all required certifications, disclosures, and assurances as part of the proposal. The following certifications and assurance are required to be submitted as part of all proposals:

    (i) A certification for debarment and suspension under the requirements of 2 CFR 180.510.

    (ii) A certification, and a disclosure form (SF LLL) if required, on Lobbying under the requirements of 14 CFR 1271.110 for awards exceeding $100,000.

    (iii) An assurance of Compliance with NASA Regulations Concerning Nondiscrimination as required by 14 CFR parts 1250 through 1253 or incorporation by reference of a signed NASA Form 1206 that is on file, current, and accurate.

    (2) Compliance with certifications, disclosures, and assurances must be demonstrated by one of the following two methods:

    (i) Each individual certification, disclosure, and assurance may be signed by the Authorizing Organizational Representative; or

    (ii) Signature by the Authorizing Organizational Representative on the proposal Cover Page may confirm that all necessary certifications and assurances are met, provided that the Cover Page includes a notice to that effect.

    (d)(1) In accordance with E.O. 13202 of February 17, 2001, “Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects”, as amended on April 6, 2001, the Government, or any construction manager acting on behalf of the Government, shall not—

    (i) Require or prohibit recipients, potential recipients or subrecipients to enter into or adhere to agreements with one or more labor organizations (as defined in 42 U.S.C. 2000e(d)) on the same or other related construction projects; or

    (ii) Otherwise discriminate against recipients, potential recipients or subrecipients for becoming, refusing to become, or remaining signatories or otherwise adhering to agreements with one or more organizations, on the same or other related construction projects.

    (2) Nothing in this section prohibits the recipient, potential recipients or subrecipients from voluntarily entering into project labor agreements.

    (3) The Assistant Administrator for Procurement may exempt a construction project from this policy if, as of February 17, 2001—

    (i) The agency or a construction manager acting on behalf of the Government had issued or was party to bid specifications, project agreements, agreements with one or more labor organizations, or other controlling documents with respect to that particular project, which contained any of the requirements or prohibitions in paragraph (d)(1)of this section; and

    (ii) One or more construction contracts (includes any contract awarded by the recipient) subject to such requirements or prohibitions had been awarded.

    (4) The Assistant Administrator for Procurement may exempt a particular project, contract, or subcontract from this policy upon a finding that special circumstances require an exemption in order to avert an imminent threat to public health or safety, or to serve the national security. A finding of “special circumstances” may not be based on the possibility or presence of a labor dispute concerning the use of contractors or subcontractors who are nonsignatories to, or otherwise do not adhere to, agreements with one or more labor organizations, or concerning employees on the project who are not members of, or affiliated with, a labor organization.

    [65 FR 62900, Oct. 19, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 54121, Oct. 26, 2001; 67 FR 77667, Dec. 19, 2002; 68 FR 35290, June 13, 2003; 69 FR 2831, Jan. 21, 2004; 69 FR 21704, Apr. 22, 2004; 72 FR 19784, Apr. 20, 2007; 79 FR 67349, Nov. 13, 2014]