§ 1260.20 - Provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Research grants, education grants, training grants, and cooperative agreements with U.S. educational institutions and nonprofit organizations shall incorporate by reference the provisions set forth in §§1260.21 through 1260.39. For training grants, the grant officer shall substitute §1260.22, Technical Publications and Reports, with reporting requirements as specified by the program office.

    (b) Facilities grants provisions will be selected on a case-by-case basis (see §1260.50).

    (c) Research grants awarded to foreign organizations, when approved by Headquarters, will include the following provisions at a minimum: §§1260.21, 1260.22, 1260.23, 1260.24, 1260.25, 1260.26, 1260.27, 1260.29, 1260.33, 1260.35, 1260.36 and 1260.37. Additional special conditions will be selected on a case by case basis (see §1260.50). All provisions will be provided in full text. Referenced handbooks, statutes, or other regulations, which the recipient may not have access to, must be made available when requested by the foreign organization.

    (d) The provisions set forth at §§1260.21 through 1260.38 do not apply to awards made under the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP). FDP awards are subject to the FDP Phase III General Terms and Conditions and the NASA Agency Specific Requirements Modifications to the General Terms and Conditions (Exhibit D to subpart A of this part 1260). Since these documents are provided directly to the FDP institutions, they are not to be attached to FDP grants. However, the grant officer will include a statement similar to the following on FDP grants: “The Federal Demonstration Partnership General Terms and Conditions and NASA Agency-specific Requirements apply to this award.”

    (e) Grants or cooperative agreements awarded by NASA to the Commercial Space Centers under the Space Development and Commercial Research (SDCR) Program require special conditions in lieu of those set forth at §§1260.28, Patent Rights, and 1260.30, Rights in Data. SDCR Special Conditions are required to be included in full text for all SDCR Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Exhibit E to subpart A of this part 1260). Changes or additions to these Special Conditions must be approved by the Office of Space Utilization and Product Development before the award of the grant or cooperative agreement. Requests for changes or additions are to be coordinated through the Office of Procurement, Program Operations Division.

    (f) Grants and cooperative agreements awarded by NASA to commercial organizations where cost sharing is not required shall incorporate the provisions set forth at §§1260.21 through 1260.39, modified as set forth under 1260.4(b).

    (g) Grants and cooperative agreements not specifically classified elsewhere in this section, but that are awarded for other authorized purposes, shall include provisions selected on a case-by-case basis.

    (h) Whenever the word “grant” appears in §§1260.21 through 1260.39, it shall be deemed to include, as appropriate, the term “cooperative agreement.”

    [65 FR 62900, Oct. 2000, as amended at 67 FR 45790, July 10, 2002; 68 FR 28709, May 27, 2003; 71 FR 28774, May 18, 2006]