§ 1261.410 - Suspension or revocation of license or eligibility; liquidation of collateral.  

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  • § 1261.410 Suspension or revocation of license or eligibility; liquidation of collateral.

    (a) In seeking the collection of statutory penalties, forfeitures, or debts provided for as an enforcement aid or for compelling compliance, NASA will give serious consideration to the suspension or revocation of licenses or other privileges for any inexcusable, prolonged, or repeated failure of a debtor to pay such a claim. In the case of a contractor under 48 CFR chapter 18, NASA will comply with the debarment, suspension, and ineligibility requirements of the NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NASA/FAR Supplement) at 48 CFR 1809.4. Likewise, in making, guaranteeing, insuring, acquiring, or participating in loans, NASA will give serious consideration to suspending or disqualifying any lender, contractor, broker, borrower, or other debtor from doing further business with it or engaging in programs sponsored by it if such a debtor fails to pay its debts to the Government within a reasonable time. The failure of any surety to honor its obligations in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 9305 must be reported to the Treasury Department at once. Notification that a surety's certificate of authority to do business with the Federal Government has been revoked or forfeited by the Treasury Department will be forwarded by that Department to all interested agencies.

    (b) If NASA is holding security or collateral which may be liquidated and the proceeds applied on debts due it through the exercise of a power of sale in the security instrument or a nonjudicial foreclosure, it should do so by such procedures if the debtor fails to pay the debt within a reasonable time after demand, unless the cost of disposing of the collateral will be disproportionate to its value or special circumstances require judicial foreclosure. NASA will provide the debtor with reasonable notice of the sale, an accounting of any surplus proceeds, and any other procedures required by applicable contract or law. Collection from other sources, including liquidation of security or collateral, is not a prerequisite to requiring payment by a surety or insurance concern unless such action is expressly required by statute or contract.