§ 145.47 - Equipment and materials: Ratings other than limited ratings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An applicant for a domestic repair station certificate and rating, or for an additional rating, must have the equipment and materials necessary to efficiently perform the functions appropriate to the ratings he seeks. An applicant for an airframe, propeller, powerplant, radio, instrument, or accessory rating must be equipped to perform the functions listed in appendix A to this part that are appropriate for the rating he seeks.

    (b) The equipment and materials required by this part must be of such type that the work for which they are being used can be done competently and efficiently. The station shall ensure that all inspection and test equipment is tested at regular intervals to ensure correct calibration to a standard derived from the National Bureau of Standards or to a standard provided by the equipment manufacturer. In the case of foreign equipment, the standard of the country of manufacture may be used if approved by the Administrator. The equipment and materials required for the various ratings must be located on the premises, and under the full control of the station, unless they are used for a function that the repair station is authorized to obtain by contract. If it obtains them by contract, the repair station shall determine the airworthiness of the article involved, unless the contractor is an appropriately rated repair station.

    (c) A certificated domestic or foreign repair station may contract maintenance and alteration of components of a type certificated product to a noncertificated source identified in the repair station's inspection procedures manual provided:

    (1) The repair station is the manufacturer who originally manufactured the product for which it holds a U.S. type certificate;

    (2) The contracted component is included as part of the type certificated product;

    (3) The component maintenance is done by the original component manufacturer or its manufacturing licensee; and

    (4) Before such a component is returned to service, the repair station ensures that it is being returned to service in accordance with the repair station's quality control system as approved by the Administrator and set forth in the repair station's operations specifications and inspection procedures manual.

    (d) The applicant shall choose suitable tools and equipment for the functions named in appendix A to this part, as appropriate to each of his ratings, using those the manufacturer of the article involved recommends for maintaining or altering that article, or their equivalent.