§ 221.59 - Fares or rates stated in percentages of other fares or rates; other relationships prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Fares or rates for air transportation of persons or property shall not be stated in the form of percentages, multiples, fractions, or other relationships to other fares or rates except to the extent authorized in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section with respect to passenger fares and baggage charges and in subpart F with respect to property rates.

    (b) A basis of fares for refund purposes may be stated, by rule, in the form of percentages of other fares.

    (c) Transportation rates for the weight of passengers’ baggage in excess of the baggage allowance under the applicable fares may be stated, by rule, as percentages of fares, provided reference is made to a conversion table complying with paragraph (e) of this section for the purpose of determining the amounts of such rates in dollars or cents represented by the published percentages of the fares.

    (d) Children's fares, round-trip fares, or other types of fares may be stated, by rule, as percentages of other fares published specifically in dollars and cents (hereinafter referred to as base fares): Provided, That:

    (1) Fares stated as percentages of base fares shall apply from and to the same points, via the same routes, and for the same class of service and same type of aircraft to which the applicable base fares apply, and shall apply to all such base fares in a fares tariff or designated section or table of a fares tariff except that:

    (i) If the base fares are published for account of two or more participating carriers, such percentage fares may be restricted to apply for account of only certain participating carriers. If such carriers participate in joint base fares, the extent to which such restricted percentage fares apply to the joint base fares shall be clearly indicated.

    (ii) If the base fares are named between points in the continental United States and points outside thereof, such percentage fares may be restricted territorially to apply between, within, or from and to any of the following areas (but not portions of a single area):

    The term “continental United States,” as used in this paragraph, means all of the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia.

    (2) Fares shall not be stated as percentages of base fares for the purpose of establishing fares applying from and to points, or via routes, or on types of aircraft, or for classes of service different from the points, routes, types of aircraft, or classes of service to which the base fares are applicable.

    (3) Fares stated as percentages of base fares shall refer to a conversion table complying with paragraph (e) of this section for the purpose of determining the amounts of such fares in dollars and cents represented by the published percentages of the base fares.

    (e)(1) A conversion table shall be published in the fares section of the tariff containing the base fares or, if that tariff is governed by a rules tariff, the table may be published after the last rule therein. The conversion table shall contain in the first column, in numerical order ranging from the lowest to the highest amounts, the amounts of all the base fares on which the percentages are to be applied. Each of the other columns shall be captioned with a percentage corresponding to a percentage in which a fare is stated. In each of the percentage-captioned columns and directly opposite each base fare, the amount in dollars or cents represented by the stated percentage of the respective base fare shall be shown. Such columns shall be arranged in numerical order (according to percentage). A clear and definite explanation of how to use the conversion table shall be shown in connection therewith.

    (2) Instead of showing in the first column all base fares from the lowest to the highest, the table may contain in the first column $0.05 and all multiples thereof to and including $1.00 and all multiples of $1.00 to and including $100.00 with a plainly stated rule for using, in combination, amounts ascertained in the percentage columns for the separate portions of the base fare. The rule shall provide, for example, that if the base fare is $7.65, the percentages for $7.00 and $0.65 are to be ascertained separately and combined.