§ 241.1830 - Unamortized Developmental and Preoperating Costs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Record here costs accumulated and deferred by the air carrier pertaining to the development of new routes or extension of existing routes, preparation for operation of new routes subsequent to certification by the DOT, the integration of new types of aircraft or services, and other preparations for substantial alterations in operational characteristics.

    (b) Costs chargeable to this account shall include items directly related to each specific developmental or pre-operating project, such as travel and incidental expenses, legal expenses, flight crew training expenses, and regulatory proceedings expenses. Expenses which would be otherwise incurred in the normal air transport operations conducted by the air carrier during the current accounting period shall not be allocated to developmental or preoperating projects and charged to this account. Nor shall this account be credited for revenues from aircraft flights of a developmental or preoperating character the operating costs of which are charged to this account. Any such revenues shall be included in the profit and loss account for the respective type of revenue. This account shall include charges for only those costs associated with projects directed at obtaining new operating authority or expanding the physical capacity of the air carrier and shall not include costs incurred for the purpose of generating revenues through rate adjustment. Accordingly, costs associated with regulatory proceedings involving route awards or amendments, whether successful or unsuccessful to the carrier, shall be included in this account whereas costs associated with regulatory proceedings involving rate or other revenue generation matters shall be charged to appropriate expense accounts.

    (c) Records shall be established for new routes or extensions of existing routes to record separately: (1) Costs incurred in acquiring or applying for the routes, including all costs incurred prior to certification by the DOT and inauguration of service by the air carrier, and (2) costs incurred after revenue operations begin over the new routes or extensions.

    (d) Subclassifications shall be established to record for each developmental project the period covered and the purpose of each item of expense. Each air carrier shall classify the costs of all projects included in this account between: (1) Those related and contributing to the normal air transportation services currently conducted by the air carrier; (2) those related to services conducted by the air carrier which are extraneous to or are not otherwise related to the air transportation services currently conducted; and (3) those held in suspense pending status determination in terms of possible contribution to the air transportation services and inauguration of the service or operation to which related.

    (e) Amounts included in this account which contribute to or protect the position of the normal air transportation services currently conducted by the carrier shall be amortized to profit and loss account 74 Amortization, unless otherwise approved or directed by the DOT. Other amounts included in this account shall be amortized or charged to profit and loss account 89.9 Other Miscellaneous Nonoperating Debits.