§ 241.6700 - Promotion and Sales.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This function shall include expenses incurred in creating public preference for the air carrier and its services; stimulating the development of the air transport market; and promoting the air carrier or developing air transportation generally.

    (b) It shall also include the compensation of personnel and other expenses incident to documenting sales; expenses incident to controlling and arranging or confirming aircraft space for traffic sold; expenses incurred in direct sales solicitation and selling of aircraft space; and expenses incurred in developing tariffs and schedules for publication.

    (c) This function shall not include expenses incurred in handling traffic subsequent to the issuance of documents establishing the air carrier's responsibility to provide air transportation which shall be included in functions 5500 Passenger Service and 6400 Aircraft and Traffic Servicing. However, for purposes of this system of accounts, expenses attributable to the operation of airport traffic offices, excluding reservation centers, shall be included in function 6400 Aircraft and Traffic Servicing. Expenses attributable to the operation of reservation or aircraft space control centers shall be included in function 6700 Promotion and Sales regardless of the location at which incurred.

    (d) Group III air carriers shall subdivide this function as follows: