§ 302.1704 - Contents of applications.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applications under this subpart (including applications filed under § 302.1720(c) or conforming applications filed under § 302.1720(e) or § 302.1730(c)) shall indicate on the cover page how the applicant proposes that its application be processed (See § 302.1750). Certificate applications shall contain the information required by part 201 of this chapter and foreign air carrier permit applications shall contain the information required by part 211 of this chapter. Applications shall also include:

    (1) A statement of economic data and other matters that the applicant desires the Department to notice officially;

    (2) Written evidence establishing the facts that the applicant relies on to establish its fitness and to show that the grant of the relief requested is consistent with or required by the public convenience and necessity, or is in the public interest, as applicable; and

    (3) The applicant's opening argument.

    (b) Each application shall be accompanied by an Environmental Evaluation in conformity with parts 312 and 313 of this chapter unless a waiver or exemption has been granted under § 312.6.

    (c) Later filed competing applications shall conform to the base and forecast years used by the original applicant and need not contain traffic and financial data for markets for which data have already been submitted by another person.

    (d) Applications shall include a list of the names and addresses of all persons that have been served.