Subpart B - Rules Applicable to U.S. Air Carrier Certificate and Foreign Air Carrier Permit Licensing Proceedings  

§ 302.200 - Applicability of this subpart.
§ 302.201 - Applicability.
§ 302.202 - Contents of applications.
§ 302.203 - Service of documents.
§ 302.204 - Responsive documents.
§ 302.205 - Economic data and other facts.
§ 302.206 - Verification.
§ 302.210a - Consolidation of proceedings.
Disposition of Applications
§ 302.207 - Cases to be decided on written submissions.
§ 302.208 - Petitions for oral presentation or judge's decision.
§ 302.209 - Procedures for deferral of applications.
§ 302.210 - Disposition of applications; orders establishing further procedures.
§ 302.211 - Procedures in certificate cases involving initial or continuing fitness.
§ 302.212 - Procedures in certificate cases involving international routes.
§ 302.213 - Procedures in foreign air carrier permit cases.
§ 302.214 - Oral evidentiary hearing.
§ 302.215 - Briefs to the administrative law judge.
§ 302.216 - Administrative law judge's initial or recommended decision.
§ 302.217 - Exceptions to administrative law judge's initial or recommended decision.
§ 302.218 - Briefs to the DOT decisionmaker.
§ 302.219 - Oral argument before the DOT decisionmaker.
§ 302.220 - Final decision of the Department.
§ 302.206a - Assessment of civil penalties.