Subpart K - Fractional Ownership Operations  

§ 91.1001 - Applicability.
§ 91.1002 - Compliance date.
§ 91.1003 - Management contract between owner and program manager.
§ 91.1005 - Prohibitions and limitations.
§ 91.1007 - Flights conducted under part 121 or part 135 of this chapter.
Program Management
§ 91.1014 - Issuing or denying management specifications.
§ 91.1015 - Management specifications.
§ 91.1017 - Amending program manager's management specifications.
§ 91.1019 - Conducting tests and inspections.
§ 91.1021 - Internal safety reporting and incident/accident response.
§ 91.1023 - Program operating manual requirements.
§ 91.1025 - Program operating manual contents.
§ 91.1027 - Recordkeeping.
§ 91.1029 - Flight scheduling and locating requirements.
§ 91.1031 - Pilot in command or second in command: Designation required.
§ 91.1033 - Operating information required.
§ 91.1035 - Passenger awareness.
§ 91.1037 - Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered; Limitations; Destination and alternate airports.
§ 91.1039 - IFR takeoff, approach and landing minimums.
§ 91.1041 - Aircraft proving and validation tests.
§ 91.1043 - [Reserved]
§ 91.1045 - Additional equipment requirements.
§ 91.1047 - Drug and alcohol misuse education program.
§ 91.1049 - Personnel.
§ 91.1050 - Employment of former FAA employees.
§ 91.1051 - Pilot safety background check.
§ 91.1053 - Crewmember experience.
§ 91.1055 - Pilot operating limitations and pairing requirement.
§ 91.1057 - Flight, duty and rest time requirements: All crewmembers.
§ 91.1059 - Flight time limitations and rest requirements: One or two pilot crews.
§ 91.1061 - Augmented flight crews.
§ 91.1062 - Duty periods and rest requirements: Flight attendants.
§ 91.1063 - Testing and training: Applicability and terms used.
§ 91.1065 - Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements.
§ 91.1067 - Initial and recurrent flight attendant crewmember testing requirements.
§ 91.1069 - Flight crew: Instrument proficiency check requirements.
§ 91.1071 - Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, training to accepted standards.
§ 91.1073 - Training program: General.
§ 91.1075 - Training program: Special rules.
§ 91.1077 - Training program and revision: Initial and final approval.
§ 91.1079 - Training program: Curriculum.
§ 91.1081 - Crewmember training requirements.
§ 91.1083 - Crewmember emergency training.
§ 91.1085 - Hazardous materials recognition training.
§ 91.1087 - Approval of aircraft simulators and other training devices.
§ 91.1089 - Qualifications: Check pilots (aircraft) and check pilots (simulator).
§ 91.1091 - Qualifications: Flight instructors (aircraft) and flight instructors (simulator).
§ 91.1093 - Initial and transition training and checking: Check pilots (aircraft), check pilots (simulator).
§ 91.1095 - Initial and transition training and checking: Flight instructors (aircraft), flight instructors (simulator).
§ 91.1097 - Pilot and flight attendant crewmember training programs.
§ 91.1099 - Crewmember initial and recurrent training requirements.
§ 91.1101 - Pilots: Initial, transition, and upgrade ground training.
§ 91.1103 - Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences flight training.
§ 91.1105 - Flight attendants: Initial and transition ground training.
§ 91.1107 - Recurrent training.
§ 91.1109 - Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program.
§ 91.1111 - Maintenance training.
§ 91.1113 - Maintenance recordkeeping.
§ 91.1115 - Inoperable instruments and equipment.
§ 91.1411 - Continuous airworthiness maintenance program use by fractional ownership program manager.
§ 91.1413 - CAMP: Responsibility for airworthiness.
§ 91.1415 - CAMP: Mechanical reliability reports.
§ 91.1417 - CAMP: Mechanical interruption summary report.
§ 91.1423 - CAMP: Maintenance organization.
§ 91.1425 - CAMP: Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs.
§ 91.1427 - CAMP: Manual requirements.
§ 91.1429 - CAMP: Required inspection personnel.
§ 91.1431 - CAMP: Continuing analysis and surveillance.
§ 91.1433 - CAMP: Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program.
§ 91.1435 - CAMP: Certificate requirements.
§ 91.1437 - CAMP: Authority to perform and approve maintenance.
§ 91.1439 - CAMP: Maintenance recording requirements.
§ 91.1441 - CAMP: Transfer of maintenance records.
§ 91.1443 - CAMP: Airworthiness release or aircraft maintenance log entry.
Operational Control
§ 91.1009 - Clarification of operational control.
§ 91.1011 - Operational control responsibilities and delegation.
§ 91.1013 - Operational control briefing and acknowledgment.