§ 93.164 - Categories of Slots.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Each slot shall be designated as a common slot, limited slot or unrestricted slot and shall be allocated to the carrier under a lease agreement. A lease for a common or limited slot shall be assigned via a cooperative agreement. A lease for an unrestricted slot shall be awarded via an auction.

    (b) Common slots.

    (1) All slots within any carrier's baseline operations, as determined on December 9, 2008, shall be designated as common slots.

    (2) Ten percent of the slots at JFK and Newark on December 9, 2008 not otherwise designated as common slots under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be designated as limited slots. All other slots shall be designated as common slots.

    (c) Limited slots. Those slots assigned to a carrier subject to return to the FAA under § 93.165(c) shall be designated as limited slots until the date of their reallocation by the FAA as unrestricted slots. A carrier may continue to use a limited slot that has reverted to the FAA until the date of its reallocation.

    (1) Each carrier with a total number of daily operations at JFK or Newark in excess of its baseline operations will be notified by no later than December 9, 2008 how many of its slots will be designated as limited slots pursuant to paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) of this section.

    (2) A carrier shall designate 50 percent of its limited slots. The carrier must notify the FAA of its determination by December 19, 2008.

    (3) The FAA will designate the remaining limited slots initially excluding those hours in which two or more slots have been designated as limited slots by the carriers.

    (4) No later than December 29, 2008, the FAA will publish a list of all limited slots and the dates upon which they will expire.

    (d) Unrestricted slots. Unrestricted slots are slots acquired by a carrier through a lease with the FAA awarded via an auction. Unrestricted slots are not subject to withdrawal by the FAA.