Supplement No. 1 to Part 716 - Notification, Duration and Frequency of Inspections  

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  • Supplement No. 1 to Part 716 - Notification, Duration and Frequency of Inspections

    Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals
    Notice of initial or routine inspection to USNA 72 hours prior to arrival of Inspection Team at the point of entry (initial); 24 hours prior to arrival of Inspection Team at the point of entry (routine) 48 hours prior to arrival of Inspection Team at the plant site 120 hours prior to arrival of Inspection Team at the plant site 120 hours prior to arrival of Inspection Team at the plant site.
    Duration of inspection As specified in facility agreement 96 hours 24 hours 24 hours.
    Maximum number of inspections Determined by OPCW based on characteristics of facility and the nature of the activities carried out at the facility 2 per calendar year per plant site 2 per calendar year per plant site 2 per calendar year per plant site.
    Notification of challenge inspection to USNA* 12 hours prior to arrival of inspection team at the point of entry.
    Duration of Challenge inspection* 84 hours.