Supplement 2 to Part 746 - United Nations Arms Embargoes Administered by the Department of State: Liberia, Somalia, and Countries of the Former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia)  

Latest version.
  • (a) Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, and Slovenia). The Department of State administers an embargo on all weapons and military equipment, consistent with United Nations Security Council Resolution 713 of September 25, 1991, to the countries of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, and Slovenia). Exporters are advised to consult with the Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls (22 CFR parts 120 through 130), regarding exports of weapons and military equipment to these destinations.

    (b) Liberia. The Department of State administers an embargo on all weapons and military equipment to Liberia, consistent with United Nations Security Council Resolution 788 of November 19, 1992. Exporters are advised to consult with the Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls (22 CFR parts 120 through 130), regarding exports of weapons and military equipment.

    (c) Somalia. The Department of State administers an embargo on all weapons and military equipment to Somalia, consistent with United Nations Security Council Resolution 733 of February 23, 1992. Exporters are advised to consult with the Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls (22 CFR parts 120 through 130), regarding exports of weapons and military equipment.