§ 1110.504 - Acceptance of accredited conformity assessment bodies.

Latest version.
  • § 1110.504 Acceptance of accredited conformity assessment bodies.

    (a) NTIS will accept written attestations and assessment reports from an Accredited Conformity Assessment Body that attests, to the satisfaction of NTIS, as provided in § 1110.503.

    (b) NTIS may decline to accept written attestations or assessment reports from an Accredited Conformity Assessment Body, whether or not it has attested as provided in § 1110.503, for any of the following reasons:

    (1) When it is in the public interest under Section 203 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, and notwithstanding any other provision of this part;

    (2) Submission of false or misleading information concerning a material fact(s) in an Accredited Conformity Assessment Body's attestation under § 1110.503;

    (3) Knowing submission of false or misleading information concerning a material fact(s) in an attestation or assessment report by an Accredited Conformity Assessment Body of a Person or Certified Person;

    (4) Failure of an Accredited Conformity Assessment Body to cooperate in response to a request from NTIS to verify the accuracy, veracity, and/or completeness of information received in connection with an attestation under § 1110.503 or an attestation or assessment report by that Body of a Person or Certified Person. An Accredited Conformity Assessment Body “fails to cooperate” when it does not respond to NTIS inquiries or requests, or it responds in a manner that is unresponsive, evasive, deceptive, or substantially incomplete; or

    (5) Where NTIS is unable for any reason to verify the accuracy of the Accredited Conformity Assessment Body's attestation.