Part 2301 - Public Telecommunications Facilities Program  

Subpart A - General
§ 2301.1 - Program purposes.
§ 2301.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Application Requirements
§ 2301.3 - Applicant eligibility.
§ 2301.4 - Types of projects and broadcast priorities.
§ 2301.5 - Special consideration.
§ 2301.6 - Amount of Federal funding.
§ 2301.7 - Eligible and ineligible project costs.
§ 2301.8 - Submission of applications.
§ 2301.9 - Deferred applications.
§ 2301.10 - Applications resulting from catastrophic damage or emergency situations.
§ 2301.11 - Service of applications.
§ 2301.12 - Federal Communications Commission authorizations.
§ 2301.13 - Public comments.
§ 2301.14 - Supplemental application information.
§ 2301.15 - Withdrawal of applications.
Subpart C - Evaluation and Selection Process
§ 2301.16 - Technical evaluation process.
§ 2301.17 - Evaluation criteria for construction and planning applications.
§ 2301.18 - Selection process.
Subpart D - Post-Award Requirements
§ 2301.19 - General conditions attached to the Federal award.
§ 2301.20 - Schedules and reports.
§ 2301.21 - Payment of Federal funds.
§ 2301.22 - Protection, acquisition, and substitution of equipment.
Subpart E - Completion of Projects
§ 2301.23 - Completion of projects.
§ 2301.24 - Final Federal payment.
§ 2301.25 - Retention of records and annual status reports.
Subpart F - Waivers
§ 2301.26 - Waivers.