§ 280.1124 - Decision on registration.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The decision whether or not to register a fastener Facility shall be taken by the Registrar on the basis of the information gathered during the registration process and any other relevant information. Those who make the registration decision shall not have participated in the audit.

    (b) The Registrar shall not delegate authority for granting, maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending, or withdrawing registration to an outside person or body.

    (c) The Registrar shall provide to each fastener manufacturer whose Facility is registered, registration documents such as a letter or a certificate signed by an officer who has been assigned such responsibility. These documents shall identify, for the fastener manufacturer and the particular Facility covered by the registration:

    (1) The name and addresses;

    (2) The scope of registration granted, including as appropriate:

    (i) The quality system standards and/or other normative documents to which quality systems are registered;

    (ii) The product, process, or service categories; and, if appropriate,

    (iii) Regulatory requirements, product standards, or other normative documents against which products are supplied.

    (3) The effective date of registration and the term for which the registration is valid.

    (d) Any application for amendment to the scope of a previously granted registration shall be processed by the Registrar. The Registrar shall decide what, if any, assessment procedure is appropriate to determine whether or not the amendment should be granted and shall act accordingly.