§ 280.302 - Review and decision process.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applications submitted by private laboratory accreditation bodies will be accepted by NIST and their receipt acknowledged in writing. The applications will be reviewed by NIST against the criteria specified in this subpart and in subpart F of this part. NIST may request additional information as needed from the applicant.

    (b) NIST shall conduct on-site assessments of the facilities of the applicant including all of the applicant's organizational units and locations covered by the application.

    (c) If the applicant's program is deemed by NIST to have met the requirements for approval, the applicant shall be notified by NIST in writing. The approval notice shall include the dates when the approval begins and the scope of the approval. The approval period shall be for as long as the laboratory accreditation body continues to satisfy the requirements of § 280.303. As part of maintaining its approved status, each laboratory accreditation body shall agree to be reassessed by NIST every two years following its initial notice of approval. NIST will maintain and make available to the public a list of approved fastener accreditation programs.

    (d) If the applicant's program does not meet the requirements for approval, the applicant shall be notified in writing, listing the specific requirements from this subpart and subpart F of this part which the applicant's program has not met. After receipt of such a notification, and within the response period provided by NIST, the applicant may:

    (1) Submit additional information for further review. Reviewing the new submission may involve additional on-site visits by NIST personnel. Additional fees may be required. Or,

    (2) Submit a request that the original application be reconsidered, including a statement of reasons why the application should have been approved.