§ 280.502 - Laboratory assessors.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Requirements for assessors. The assessor or assessment team appointed to assess a laboratory shall:

    (1) Be familiar with the relevant legal regulations, accreditation procedures and accreditation requirements;

    (2) Have a thorough knowledge of the relevant assessment method and assessment documents;

    (3) Have appropriate technical knowledge of the specific tests or types of tests for which accreditation is sought and, where relevant, with the associated sampling procedures;

    (4) Be able to communicate effectively, both in writing and orally;

    (5) Be free of any commercial, financial or other pressures or conflicts of interest that might cause assessor(s) to act in other than an impartial or non-discriminatory manner;

    (6) Not have offered consultancies to laboratories which might compromise their impartiality in the accreditation process and decisions.

    (b) Qualification procedures for assessors. An approved/recognized accreditation body shall have an adequate procedure for:

    (1) Qualifying assessors, comprising an assessment of their competence and training, and attendance at one or more actual assessments with a qualified assessor, and

    (2) Monitoring the performance of assessors.

    (c) Contracting of assessors. An approved/recognized accreditation body shall require the assessors to sign a contract or other document by which they commit themselves to comply with the rules defined by the accreditation body, including those relating to confidentiality and those relating to independence from commercial and other interests, and any prior association with laboratories to be assessed.

    (d) Assessor records. An approved/recognized accreditation body shall possess and maintain up-to-date records on assessors consisting of:

    (1) Name and address;

    (2) Organization affiliation and position held;

    (3) Educational qualification and professional status;

    (4) Work experience;

    (5) Training in quality assurance, assessment and calibration and testing;

    (6) Experience in laboratory assessment, together with field of competence;

    (7) Date of most recent updating of record.

    (e) Procedures for assessors. Assessors shall be provided with an up-to-date set of procedures giving assessment instructions and all relevant information on accreditation arrangements.