§ 280.6 - Laboratory test reports.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When performing tests for which they are accredited under this part, each laboratory accredited under subparts C, D, or E of this part and currently listed in the Accredited Laboratory List shall issue test reports of its work which accurately, clearly, and unambiguously present the test conditions, test set-up, test results, and all information required by this section. All reports must be in English or be translated into English, must be signed by an approved signatory, must be protected by a tamper resistant system, and contain the following information:

    (1) Name and address of the laboratory;

    (2) Unique identification of the test report including date of issue and serial number, or other appropriate means;

    (3) Name and address of client;

    (4) Fastener description, including:

    (i) Manufacturer (name and address);

    (ii) Product family (screw, nut, bolt, washer, or stud), drive and/or head configurations as applicable;

    (iii) Date of manufacture;

    (iv) Head markings (describe or draw manufacturer's recorded insignia and grade identification or property class symbols);

    (v) Nominal dimensions (diameter; length of bolt, screw or stud; thickness of load indicating washer); thread form and class of fit;

    (vi) Product standards and specifications related to the laboratory in writing by the manufacturer, importer or distributor;

    (vii) Lot number;

    (viii) Specification and grade of material;

    (ix) Coating material and standard and specification as applicable;

    (5) Sampling information:

    (i) Standards and specifications or reference for sampling scheme;

    (ii) Final manufacturing lot size;

    (6) Test results:

    (i) Test results for each sample;

    (ii) All deviations from the test method;

    (iii) All other items required on test reports according to the test method;

    (iv) Where the report contains results of tests performed by sub-contractors, these results shall be clearly identified along with the name of the laboratory and accreditation information listed in paragraph (a)(10) of this section.

    (v) A statement that the samples tested either conform or do not conform to the fastener standards and specifications and identification of any nonconformance, except as provided for in §§ 280.13 and 280.14;

    (7) A statement that the report must not be reproduced except in full;

    (8) A statement to the effect that the test report relates only to the item(s) tested;

    (9) Name, title and signature of approved signatory accepting technical responsibility for the tests and test report;

    (10) The name of the body which accredited the laboratory for the specific tests performed which are the subject of the report, and code number assigned to the laboratory by the accreditation body, and the expiration of accreditation.

    (b) When performing tests for which they are registered under this part, each facility registered under subpart I or J of this part and currently listed in the Facilities List shall issue test reports of its work which accurately, clearly, and unambiguously present test results, and all information required by this section. In addition, the facilities shall attach reports of chemical characteristics and any report of the tests conducted in a laboratory under the accredited laboratories list. All reports must be in English or be translated into English, must be signed by an approved signatory, must be protected by a temper resistant system, and contain the following information:

    (1) Name and address of the facility;

    (2) Unique identification of the test report, including date of issue and serial number, or other appropriate means including references to control plan identification;

    (3) Name and address of client, if applicable;

    (4) Fastener description, including:

    (i) Manufacturer (name and address);

    (ii) Product family (screw, nut, bolt, washer, or stud), drive and/or head configurations as applicable;

    (iii) Date of manufacture;

    (iv) Head markings (describe or draw manufacturer's recorded insignia and grade identification or property class symbols);

    (v) Nominal dimensions (diameter; length of bolt, screw or stud; thickness of load bearing washer); thread form and class of fit;

    (vi) Product standards and specifications related to the facility in writing by the manufacturer, importer or distributor;

    (vii) Lot number;

    (viii) Specification and grade of material;

    (ix) Coating material and standard and specification as applicable;

    (5) Sampling information:

    (i) Standards and specifications or reference for sampling scheme;

    (ii) Final manufacturing lot size;

    (iii) Identification of control plan governing production of the lot to which the test report is applicable;

    (6) Test results:

    (i) Test results of actual tests required by applicable fastener standards and specifications, and characteristics designated by the end user;

    (ii) All deviations from the test method;

    (iii) All other items required on test reports according to the applicable fastener standards and specifications, and characteristics designated by the end user;

    (iv) Where the report contains results of tests performed by sub-contractors, these results shall be clearly identified along with the name of the laboratory/facility and accreditation/registration information listed in paragraph (b)(9) of this section.

    (v) Where all processes under the applicable QAS were found to be in accordance with the inspections, tests and measurements required by the standards and specifications and the QAS and characteristics designated by the end user, a statement that the samples tested conform to the applicable fastener standards and specifications;

    (vi) Where any process under the applicable QAS was found not to be in accordance with the inspections, tests, or measurements required by such QAS, a statement that the samples tested do not conform to the applicable fastener standards and specifications and identification of any nonconformance;

    (7) A statement that the report must not be reproduced except in full;

    (8) Name, title and signature of approved signatory accepting technical responsibility for the tests and test report;

    (9) The name of the registrar which registered the facility, and code number assigned to the facility by the registrar, and the expiration of registration.

    (c) For alternative chemical tests carried out under § 280.15 of this part, each laboratory accredited under subparts C, D, or E of this part and currently listed in the Accredited Laboratory List shall provide to the fastener manufacturer, either directly or through the metal manufacturer, a written inspection and testing report containing all required information. All reports must be in English or be translated into English, must be signed by an approved signatory, must be protected by a tamper resistant system, and contain the following information:

    (1) Name and address of the laboratory;

    (2) Unique identification of the test report including date of issue and serial number or other appropriate means;

    (3) Name and address of client;

    (4) Coil or heat number of metal being tested;

    (5) Test results:

    (i) Actual tests required by the standards and specifications;

    (ii) Test results for such coil or heat number chemical characteristics;

    (iii) All deviations from the test method;

    (iv) All other items required on test reports according to the test method;

    (v) Where the report contains results of tests performed by sub-contractors, these results shall be clearly identified along with the name of the laboratory and accreditation information listed in paragraph (c)(9) of this section.

    (vi) A statement that the samples tested either conform or do not conform to the metal standards and specifications and identification of any nonconformance;

    (6) A statement that the report must not be reproduced except in full;

    (7) A statement to the effect that the test report relates only to the item(s) tested;

    (8) Name, title and signature of approved signatory accepting technical responsibility for the tests and test report;

    (9) The name of the body which accredited the laboratory for the specific tests performed which are the subject of the report, and code number assigned to the laboratory by the accreditation body, and the expiration of accreditation.

    (d) The laboratory shall issue corrections or additions to a test report only by a further document suitably marked, e.g., “Supplement to test report serial number * * *.” This document must specify which test result is in question, the content of the result, the explanation of the result, and the reason for acceptance of the result.

    (e) For tests carried out by a Facility registered pursuant to subpart I or J of this part, the Facility shall maintain laboratory test reports in the forms of electronic, photographic, or paper records, available for inspection during the periods required by section 10 of the Act and § 280.7 of this part, regarding the inspections, tests, and measurements required or performed pursuant to the QAS control plan.