§ 280.806 - Involuntary termination of recognition by NIST.  

Latest version.
  • (a) NIST may terminate or suspend its recognition of an Accreditor if such an action is deemed to be in the public interest.

    (b) Before terminating the recognition of an Accreditor, NIST will notify the Accreditor in writing, giving it the opportunity to rebut or correct the stated reasons for the proposed termination. If the problems are not corrected or reconciled within 30 days, or such longer time as NIST in its sole discretion may grant, the termination shall become effective.

    (c) An Accreditor may appeal a termination to the Director by submitting a statement of reasons why the recognition should not be terminated. NIST may, at its discretion, hold in abeyance the termination action pending a final decision by the Director. Within 60 days following receipt of the appeal, the Director shall inform the Accreditor in writing of his or her decision.

    (d) Registrars and registered organizations which have been listed by NIST in accordance with this Subpart, based on their accreditation by an Accreditor whose recognition has been terminated, shall be removed from the list, unless an exception is granted by NIST.