§ 285.8 - Proficiency testing.  

Latest version.
  • § 285.8 Proficiency testing.

    (a) NVLAP proficiency testing is Proficiency testing requirements. Proficiency testing undertaken to meet the criteria for NVLAP accreditation shall be consistent with the provisions contained in ISO/IEC Guide 43 (Parts 1 and 2), Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons, NIST Handbook 150, NVLAP Procedures and General Requirements (incorporated by reference, see § 285.16), where applicable, including revisions from time to time. Proficiency testing may be organized by NVLAP itself or a NVLAP-approved provider of services. Laboratories must participate in proficiency testing as specified for each LAP in the NVLAP program handbooks.

    (b) Analysis and reporting. Proficiency testing data results are analyzed by NVLAP and reports results of the results analysis are made known to the participants. Summary results are available upon request to other interested parties; e.g., professional societies and standards writing bodies. The identity and performance of individual laboratories are kept confidential. Any result not meeting the criteria specified in the NVLAP LAP program handbook is identified as a nonconformity.

    (c) Proficiency testing deficienciesnonconformities.

    (1) Unsatisfactory participation in any NVLAP proficiency testing program is a technical deficiency nonconformity which must be resolved in order to obtain initial accreditation or maintain accreditation.

    (2) Proficiency testing deficiencies nonconformities are defined as, but not limited to, one or more of the following:

    (i) Failure to meet specified proficiency testing performance requirements prescribed by NVLAP;

    (ii) Failure to participate in a regularly scheduled “round” of proficiency testing for which the laboratory has received instructions and/or materials;

    (iii) Failure to submit laboratory control data as required; and or

    (iv) Failure to produce acceptable test or calibration results when using NIST Standard Reference Materials or special artifacts whose properties are well-characterized and known to NIST/NVLAP.

    (3) NVLAP will notify the laboratory of proficiency testing deficiencies nonconformities and actions to be taken to resolve the deficienciesnonconformities. Denial or suspension of accreditation will result from failure to resolve deficiencies. nonconformities.

    [85 FR 60060, Sept. 24, 2020]