§ 30.56 - Conditional exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • Shipper's Export Declarations are not required for the following classes of commodities when they are not shipped as cargo under a bill of lading or an air waybill and do not require a validated export license, but the exporter should be prepared to make oral declaration to the Customs Director, if required:

    (a) Baggage and personal effects, accompanied or unaccompanied, of persons leaving the United States, including members of crews on vessels and aircraft, such as:

    (1) Usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, medicinal supplies, food, souvenirs, games, and similar personal effects and their containers.

    (2) Usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of furniture, household effects, household furnishings, and their containers.

    (3) Usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of vehicles, such as passenger cars, station wagons, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, perambulators, and their containers.

    Provided, That the above-indicated baggage and personal effects (i) shall include only such articles as are owned by such person or members of his immediate family; (ii) shall be in his possession at the time of or prior to his departure from the United States for the foreign country; (iii) are necessary and appropriate for the use of such person or his immediate family; (iv) are intended for his use or the use of his immediate family; and (v) are not intended for sale.

    (b) Tools of trade are usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of commodities and software, and their containers, that are intended for use by individual exporters or by employees or representatives of the exporting company in furthering the enterprises and undertakings of the exporter abroad. Commodities and software eligible for this exemption are those that do not normally require an export license or that are exported without a license as specified in 15 CFR 740.9 of the EAR (15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C) and are subject to the following provisions:

    (1) Are owned by the individual exporter or exporting company;

    (2) Accompany the individual exporter, employee or representative of the exporting company;

    (3) Are necessary and appropriate and intended for the personal and/or business use of the individual exporter, employee or representative of the company or business;

    (4) Are not for sale; and

    (5) Are returned to the United States no later than one year from the date of export.

    (c) Carriers’ stores (including merchandise carried in ships aboard carriers for sale to passengers), supplies, and equipment for departing vessels, planes, or other carriers, including usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of bunker fuel, deck engine and steward department stores, provisions and supplies, medicinal and surgical supplies, food stores, slop chest articles, and saloon stores or supplies for use or consumption on board and not intended for unlading in a foreign country, and including usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of equipment and spare parts for permanent use on the carrier when necessary for proper operation of such carrier and not intended for unlading in a foreign country. Hay, straw, feed, and other appurtenances necessary to the care and feeding of livestock while enroute to a foreign destination are considered part of carriers’ stores of carrying vessels, trains, planes, etc.

    (d) Dunnage of usual and reasonable kinds and quantities necessary and appropriate to stow or secure cargo on the outgoing or any immediate return voyage of an exporting carrier, when exported solely for use as dunnage and not intended for unlading in a foreign country.