§ 340.4 - Comments regarding requested modification.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the Department receives a request or requests from a U.S. manufacturer under § 340.3, the Department will cause to be published in the Federal Register a notice summarizing the request or requests and soliciting comments from any interested person, including U.S. manufacturers of Worsted Wool Fabric, wool yarn, wool top and wool fiber, regarding the requested modification. Comments must be received, or postmarked, on a date not later than 20 calendar days after the date of the Federal Register notice.

    (b) If the person submitting comments is a domestic producer of Worsted Wool Fabric, comments should include, to the extent available, the following information for each limitation with respect to which comments are being made:

    (1) A list of domestic manufacturers of Worsted Wool Suits, Suit-Type Jackets, or Trousers for whom orders were filled during the twelve months prior to the submission of the comments, the date of such orders, the total quantity ordered and supplied in square meters of domestically produced Worsted Wool Fabric and of imported Worsted Wool Fabric, and the average price received per square meter of domestically produced Worsted Wool Fabric and of imported Worsted Wool Fabric for such orders.

    (2) A list of all requests to purchase Worsted Wool Fabric during the twelve months prior to the submission of the comments that were rejected by the person submitting the comments, indicating the dates of the requests, the quantity requested, the price quoted, and the reasons why the request was rejected;

    (3) Data indicating increase and/or decrease in production and sales for the most recent six month period for which data is available and the comparable six month period in the previous year of domestically-produced Worsted Wool Fabrics used in the production of Worsted Wool Suits, Suit-Type Jackets and Trousers.

    (4) Evidence of lost sales due to the temporary duty reductions on certain Worsted Wool Fabric under the Tariff Rate Quotas; and

    (5) Other evidence of the ability of domestic producers of Worsted Wool Fabric to meet the needs of the manufacturers of Worsted Wool Suits, Suit-Type Jackets and Trousers in terms of quantity, variety, and other relevant factors.