Part 746 - Embargoes and Other Special Controls  

§ 746.1 - Introduction.
§ 746.2 - Cuba.
§ 746.3 - Iraq.
§ 746.4 - North Korea.
§ 746.5 - [Reserved]
§ 746.6 - Temporarily occupied Crimea region of Ukraine and covered regions of Ukraine.
§ 746.7 - Iran.
§ 746.8 - Sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
§ 746.9 - Syria.
§ 746.10 - [Reserved]
Supplement 1 to Part 746 - Special Sanctions on Angola Administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control
Supplement 2 to Part 746 - United Nations Arms Embargoes Administered by the Department of State: Liberia, Somalia, and Countries of the Former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia)
Supplement No. 1 to Part 746 - Examples of Luxury Goods
Supplement No. 2 to Part 746 - —Russian and Belarusian Industry Sector Sanction List Pursuant to § 746.8(a)(4)
Supplement No. 3 to Part 746 - Controls on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia Administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control
Supplement No. 3 to Part 746 - —Countries Excluded from Certain License Requirements of §§ 746.6, 746.7, and 746.8
Supplement No. 5 to Part 746 - —'Luxury Goods' Sanctions for Russia and Belarus Pursuant to § 746.8(a)(7)
Supplement No. 4 to Part 746 - —Russian and Belarusian Industry Sector Sanctions Pursuant to § 746.8(a)(5)
Supplement No. 6 to Part 746 - —Russian and Belarusian Industry Sector Sanctions Pursuant to § 746.8(a)(6)
Supplement No. 7 to Part 746 - —Items That Require a License Under § 746.6 When Destined to the Temporarily Occupied Crimea Region of Ukraine, Under § 746.7 When Destined to Iran, and Under § 746.8 When Destined to Russia or Belarus
Supplement Nos.2--3 to Part 746
§§ 746.4--746.6 - [Reserved]
§§ 746.5--746.6 - [Reserved]