§ 1.32 - Registered identification numbers.  

Latest version.
  • Registered identification numbers are issued by the Commission under the provisions of Rule 4 of the rules and regulations under the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939 (§ 300.4 of this chapter); Rule 26 of the rules and regulations under the Fur Products Labeling Act (§ 301.26 of this chapter); and Rule 20 of the rules and regulations under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (§ 303.20 of this chapter). Such numbers are for use as required identification in lieu of the name of the person to whom the number has been issued in satisfying the identification requirement in labeling under the respective Acts. Any person marketing wool products, textile fiber products, or fur or fur products, in commerce, may file an application with the Secretary of the Commission for issuance of a registered identification number. The Commission will furnish application forms upon request. Numbers are issued when, upon examination of the application, the applicant is found to come within the terms of the applicable rules and regulations. Numbers are subject to revocation for cause or upon a change in business status or discontinuance of business. The identity of holders of registered identification numbers issued by the Commission is released upon oral or written request directed to the Enforcement Division of the Bureau of Consumer Protection.