§ 250.0 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Industry member. Any person, firm, corporation or organization engaged in the manufacture, offering for sale, sale or distribution of industry products as such products are hereinafter defined.

    (b) Industry products. Articles of utility, convenience or decoration which are suitable for use as furniture in a house, apartment, or other dwelling place. Such articles include, but are not limited to, all kinds and types of chairs, tables, cabinets, desks, sofas, bedsteads, chests and mirror frames. The following products, covered by sets of trade practice rules heretofore promulgated, are not to be considered as coming within the purview of this definition: bed mattresses, bedsprings, metal cots, cedar chests, mirror glass, musical instruments, radio and television receiving sets and venetian blinds. Also excluded from the purview of this part are pictures, lamps, clocks, rugs, draperies as well as appliances and fixtures such as refrigerators and air conditioners.

    (c) Exposed surfaces. Those parts and surfaces exposed to view when furniture is placed in the generally accepted position for use. Included in this definition are visible backs of such items of furniture as open bookcases, hutches, etc.