§ 200.53 - Preamble.  

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  • § 200.53 Preamble.

    (a) Members of the Securities and Exchange Commission are entrusted by various enactments of the Congress with powers and duties of great social and economic significance to the American people. It is their task to regulate varied aspects of the American economy, within the limits prescribed by Congress, to insure that our private enterprise system serves the welfare of all citizens. Their success in this endeavor is a bulwark against possible abuses and injustice which, if left unchecked, might jeopardize the strength of our economic institutions.

    (b) It is imperative that the members of this Commission continue to conduct themselves in their official and personal relationships in a manner which commands the respect and confidence of their fellow citizens. Members of this Commission shall continue to be mindful of, and strictly abide by, the standards of personal conduct set forth in its regulation regarding Conduct of Members and Employees and Former Members and Employees of the Commission, which is set forth in subpart M of this part 200, most of which has been in effect for many years, and which was originally codified in 1953.

    (c) However, in addition to the continued observance of those principles of personal conduct, it is fitting and proper for the members of the Commission to restate and resubscribe to the standards of conduct applicable to its executive, legislative and judicial responsibilities.

    [25 FR 6725, July 15, 1960, as amended at 31 FR 13533, Oct. 20, 1966]