§ 256.01-4 - Construction or service contracts, and centralized procurement accounting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Specific accounts have not been provided in which to classify expenditures made in the performance of construction or service contracts, under which the service company undertakes projects to construct physical property for associate or nonassociate companies. The difference in the nature of undertakings which will be embraced in such contracts renders impracticable an attempt to prescribe the accounts applicable in all cases. The service company shall keep records pursuant to its work order system indicating the cost of each contract or project, the amount of service costs allocated thereto, and such additional classification of expenditures relating to projects as will meet the accounting requirements of the company for which the work is performed.

    (b) Service costs allocated to construction shall include the proper proportion of salaries, expense of officers and employees, pay of employees on the service company's regular staff specifically assigned to construction work, and other expenses of maintaining the service company's organization and equipment. Cost of materials, construction payrolls, outside services, and other expenses directly attributable to construction work shall be excluded from the accounting system of the service company and charged directly by the vendor or supplier to the construction project.

    (c) Service costs allocated to centralized procurement activities shall include only the cost of the support services performed by the service company in connection with the procurement of goods for associate companies. Cost of goods procured shall be excluded from the accounting system of the service company and charged directly by the vendor or supplier to the associate company concerned. The service company shall keep records indicating the cost of goods, if any, which it procures for each associate company and the amount of service costs allocated thereto. These records should be maintained to meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's accounting requirements for electric and gas companies.