§ 256.01-8 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Definitions contained in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 shall be applicable to terms not specifically defined herein.

    (a) Accounts means the accounts prescribed by this Uniform System of Accounts.

    (b) Associate company means any company in the same holding company system.

    (c) Company or the company, when not otherwise indicated in the context, means the service company.

    (d) Commission means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (e) Direct cost shall include labor cost and expenses which can be identified through a work order system as being applicable to services performed for a single or group of associate and nonassociate companies. Cost incidental to or related to a directly charged item shall be classified as direct costs.

    (f) Federal commission means any Federal agency, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has jurisdiction to regulate public utility companies in some relevant respect.

    (g) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any successor thereto.

    (h) Holding company system means any holding company, together with all of its subsidiary companies and all mutual service companies of which such holding company or any subsidiary company thereof is a member company.

    (i) Indirect cost shall include those costs of a general overhead nature such as general services, housekeeping costs, and other support cost which cannot be separately identified to a single or group of associate and nonassociate companies and therefore must be allocated. Indirect costs shall be accumulated on a departmental basis.

    (j) Mutual service company, service company or subsidiary service company means a company approved by the Commission as a mutual service company or a subsidiary company of a registered holding company found by the Commission to be organized and conducted as to meet the requirements of section 13(b) of the Act and the provisions of Rule 88 promulgated thereunder.

    (k) Nonassociate companies means a person, partnership, organization, government body or company which is not a member of the holding company system.

    (l) Operating company means an electric utility company or gas utility company as defined in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.

    (m) Person means an individual or company.

    (n) State commission means any commission, board, agency, or officer, by whatever name designated, or a State, municipality, or other political subdivision of a State which under the laws of such State has jurisdiction to regulate public-utility companies.

    (o) Uniform system of accounts means the Uniform System of Accounts for Mutual Service Companies and Subsidiary Service Companies prescribed herein, as amended from time to time.

    (p) Work order system means a system for the accumulation of service company cost on a job, project, or functional basis. It includes schedules and worksheets used to account for charges billed to single and groups of associate and nonassociate companies.