Part 39 - Derivatives Clearing Organizations  

Subpart A - General Provisions Applicable to Derivatives Clearing Organizations
§ 39.1 - Scope.
§ 39.2 - Definitions.
§ 39.3 - Procedures for registration.
§ 39.4 - Procedures for implementing derivatives clearing organization rules and clearing new products.
§ 39.5 - Review of swaps for Commission determination on clearing requirement.
§ 39.6 - Exemption from derivatives clearing organization registration.
§ 39.7 - Enforceability.
§ 39.8 - Fraud in connection with the clearing of transactions on a derivatives clearing organization.
Subpart B - Compliance with Core Principles
§ 39.9 - Scope.
§ 39.10 - Compliance with core principles.
§ 39.11 - Financial resources.
§ 39.12 - Participant and product eligibility.
§ 39.13 - Risk management.
§ 39.14 - Settlement procedures.
§ 39.15 - Treatment of funds.
§ 39.16 - Default rules and procedures.
§ 39.17 - Rule enforcement.
§ 39.18 - System safeguards.
§ 39.19 - Reporting.
§ 39.20 - Recordkeeping.
§ 39.21 - Public information.
§ 39.22 - Information sharing.
§ 39.23 - Antitrust considerations.
§ 39.24 - Governance.
§ 39.25 - Conflicts of interest.
§ 39.26 - xxx
§ 39.27 - Legal risk considerations.
Appendix to Part 39 - Form DCO Derivatives Clearing Organization Application for Registrations
§§ 39.24--39.26 - [Reserved]
§§ 39.28--329.29 - [Reserved]
§§ 39.28--39.29 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Provisions Applicable to Systemically Important Derivatives Clearing Organizations and Derivatives Clearing Organizations That Elect To Be Subject to the Provisions of This Subpart
§ 39.28 - Scope.
§ 39.29 - Financial resources requirements.
§ 39.30 - Scope.
§ 39.31 - Election to become subject to the provisions of this subpart.
§ 39.32 - [Reserved]
§ 39.33 - Financial resources requirements for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.34 - System safeguards for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.35 - Default rules and procedures for uncovered credit losses or liquidity shortfalls (recovery) for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.36 - Risk management for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.37 - Additional disclosure for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.38 - Efficiency for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.39 - Recovery and wind-down for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations and subpart C derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.40 - Consistency with the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures.
§ 39.41 - Special enforcement authority for systemically important derivatives clearing organizations.
§ 39.42 - Advance notice of material risk-related rule changes by systemically important derivatives clearing organizations.
§§ 39.43--39.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Provisions Applicable to Derivatives Clearing Organizations Subject to Compliance with Core Principles Through Compliance with Home Country Regulatory Regime
§ 39.50 - Scope.
§ 39.51 - Compliance with the core principles through compliance with home country regulatory regime.
Appendix A to Part 39 - Form DCO Derivatives Clearing Organization Application for Registration
Appendix B to Part 39 - Subpart C Election Form
Appendix C to Part 39 - —Daily Reporting Data Fields