Part 9 - Rules Relating to Review of Exchange Disciplinary, Access Denial or Other Adverse Actions  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 9.1 - Scope of rules.
§ 9.2 - Definitions.
§ 9.3 - Provisions referenced.
§ 9.4 - Filing and service; official docket.
§ 9.5 - Motions.
§ 9.6 - Sanctions for noncompliance.
§ 9.7 - Settlement.
§ 9.8 - Practice before the Commission.
§ 9.9 - Waiver of rules; delegation of authority.
Subpart B - Notice and Effective Date of Disciplinary Action or Access Denial Action
§ 9.10 - [Reserved]
§ 9.11 - Form, contents and delivery of notice of disciplinary or access denial action.
§ 9.12 - Effective date of disciplinary or access denial action.
§ 9.13 - Publication of notice.
§§ 9.14--9.19 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Initial Procedure With Respect to Appeals
§ 9.20 - Notice of appeal.
§ 9.21 - Record of exchange proceeding.
§ 9.22 - Appeal brief.
§ 9.23 - Answering brief.
§ 9.24 - Petition for stay pending review.
§ 9.25 - Limited participation of interested persons.
§ 9.26 - Participation of Commission staff.
§§ 9.27--9.29 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Commission Review of Disciplinary, Access Denial or Other Adverse Action
§ 9.30 - Scope of review.
§ 9.31 - Commission review of disciplinary or access denial action on its own motion.
§ 9.32 - Oral argument.
§ 9.33 - Final decision by the Commission.