SubChapter B—Regulations Under the Federal Power Act  

Part 4 - Licenses, Permits, Exemptions, and Determination of Project Costs
Part 5 - Integrated License Application Process
Part 6 - Surrender or Termination of License
Part 7 - Expedited Licensing Process for Qualifying Non-Federal Hydropower Projects at Existing Nonpowered Dams and for Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Projects
Part 8 - Recreational Opportunities and Development at Licensed Projects
Part 9 - Transfer of License or Lease of Project Property
Part 11 - Annual Charges Under Part I of the Federal Power Act
Part 12 - Safety of Water Power Projects and Project Works
Part 16 - Procedures Relating to Takeover and Relicensing of Licensed Projects
Part 20 - Authorization of the Issuance of Securities by Licensees and Companies Subject to Sections 19 and 20 of the Federal Power Act
Part 24 - Declaration of Intention
Part 25 - Application for Vacation of Withdrawal and for Determination Permitting Restoration to Entry
Part 32 - Interconnection of Facilities
Part 33 - Applications Under Federal Power Act Section 203
Part 34 - Application for Authorization of the Issuance of Securities or the Assumption of Liabilities
Part 35 - Filing of Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Part 36 - Rules Concerning Applications for Transmission Services Under Section 211 of the Federal Power Act
Part 37 - Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
Part 38 - Standards for Public Utility Business Operations and Communications
Part 39 - Rules Concerning Certification of the Electric Reliability Organization; and Procedures for the Establishment, Approval, and Enforcement of Electric Reliability Standards
Part 40 - Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System
Part 41 - Accounts, Records, Memoranda and Disposition of Contested Audit Findings and Proposed Remedies
Part 42 - Long-Term Firm Transmission Rights in Organized Electricity Markets
Part 45 - Application for Authority to Hold Interlocking Positions
Part 46 - Public Utility Filing Requirements and Filing Requirements for Persons Holding Interlocking Positions
Part 50 - Applications for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities