§ 101.114 - Electric plant acquisition adjustments.  

Latest version.
  • A. This account shall include the difference between (1) the cost to the accounting utility of electric plant acquired as an operating unit or system by purchase, merger, consolidation, liquidation, or otherwise, and (2) the original cost, estimated, if not known, of such property, less the amount or amounts credited by the accounting utility at the time of acquisition to accumulated provisions for depreciation and amortization and contributions in aid of construction with respect to such property.

    B. With respect to acquisitions after the effective date of this system of accounts, this account shall be subdivided so as to show the amounts included herein for each property acquisition and to electric plant in service, electric plant held for future use, and electric plant leased to others. (See electric plant instruction 5.)

    C. Debit amounts recorded in this account related to plant and land acquisition may be amortized to account 425, Miscellaneous Amortization, over a period not longer than the estimated remaining life of the properties to which such amounts relate. Amounts related to the acquisition of land only may be amortized to account 425 over a period of not more than 15 years. Should a utility wish to account for debit amounts in this account in any other manner, it shall petition the Commission for authority to do so. Credit amounts recorded in this account shall be accounted for as directed by the Commission.