§ 101.121 - Nonutility property.  

Latest version.
  • A. This account shall include the book cost of land, structures, equipment, or other tangible or intangible property owned by the utility, but not used in utility service and not properly includible in account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use.

    B. This account shall also include the amount recorded under capital leases for property leased from others and used by the utility in its nonutility operations. Records shall be maintained with respect to each lease reflecting: (1) name of lessor, (2) basic details of lease, (3) terminal date, (4) original cost or fair market value of property leased, (5) future minimum lease payments, (6) executory costs, (7) present value of minimum lessee payments, (8) the amount representing interest and the interest rate used, and (9) expenses paid.

    C. This account shall be subdivided so as to show the amount of property used in operations which are nonutility in character but nevertheless constitute a distinct operating activity of the company (such as operation of an ice department where such activity is not classed as a utility) and the amount of miscellaneous property not used in operations. The records in support of each subaccount shall be maintained so as to show an appropriate classification of the property.


    The gain from the sale or other disposition of property included in this account which had been previously recorded in account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, shall be accounted for in accordance with paragraph C of account 105.