§ 101.129 - Special funds (Nonmajor only).  

Latest version.
  • This account shall include the amount of cash and book cost of investments which have been segregated in special funds for bond retirements, property additions and replacements, insurance, employees’ pensions, savings, relief, hospital, and other purposes not provided for elsewhere. A separate account, with appropriate title, shall be kept for each fund.

    Note A:

    Amounts deposited with a trustee under the terms of an irrevocable trust agreement for pensions or other employees benefits shall not be included in this account.

    Note B:

    Licensees under the Federal Power Act which are required to establish an amortization fund under terms of the license shall provide a special subdivision of this account for the purpose of accounting for and identifying the cash, investments or other specific assets associated with account 215.1, Appropriated Retained Earnings—Amortization Reserve, Federal.

    Special Instructions for Current and Accrued Assets. Current and accrued assets are cash, those assets which are readily convertible into cash or are held for current use in operations or construction, current claims against others, payment of which is reasonably assured, and amounts accruing to the utility which are subject to current settlement, except such items for which accounts other than those designated as current and accrued assets are provided. There shall not be included in the group of accounts designated as current and accrued assets any item, the amount or collectibility of which is not reasonably assured, unless an adequate provision for possible loss has been made therefor. Items of current character but of doubtful value may be written down and for record purposes carried in these accounts at nominal value.