§ 101.190 - Accumulated deferred income taxes.  

Latest version.
  • A. This account shall be debited and account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are higher because of the inclusion of certain items in income for tax purposes, which items for general accounting purposes will not be fully reflected in the utility's determination of annual net income until subsequent years.

    B. This account shall be credited and account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are lower because of prior payment of taxes as provided by paragraph A above, because of difference in timing for tax purposes of particular items of income or income deductions from that recognized by the utility for general accounting purposes. Such credit to this account and debit to account 410.1 or 410.2 shall, in general, represent the effect on taxes payable in the current year of the smaller amount of book income recognized for tax purposes as compared to the amount recognized in the utility's current accounts with respect to the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the utility was authorized by the Commission.

    C. Vintage year records with respect to entries to this account, as described above, and the account balance, shall be so maintained as to show the factor of calculation with respect to each annual amount of the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the utility is utilized.

    D. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purpose set forth above. It shall not make use of the balance in this account or any portion thereof except as provided in the text of this account, without prior approval of the Commission. Any remaining deferred tax account balance with respect to an amount for any prior year's tax deferral, the amortization of which or other recognition in the utility's income accounts has been completed, or other disposition made, shall be debited to account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, or otherwise disposed of as the Commission may authorize or direct. (See General Instruction 18.)