§ 2.65 - Applications for certificates of public convenience and necessity for gas transmission facilities to be installed in the off-shore southern Louisiana area.  

Latest version.
  • (a) It will be the general policy of the Commission to require that applications for certificates of public convenience and necessity, filed pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act, for the construction and operation of pipeline facilities to be installed in the southern Louisiana offshore area, be filed on or before September 1st of the year immediately preceding the proposed installation. We direct our staff to review these applications on both a joint and individual company basis with a view toward the development of pipeline company gas exchange procedures that will minimize cross-hauls and toward the promotion of joint use arrangements that will assure the early full utilization of large capacity facilities in the Outer-Continental Shelf area. To assist this Commission staff effort, and to aid the Commission's disposition of offshore certificate applications during our formal and statutory hearing procedures, an applicant should include as a part of Exhibit Z to its application, additional information which will:

    (1) Detail with appropriate engineering and economic showings the efforts it has made to utilize the existing and proposed offshore facilities owned by other jurisdictional companies to transport Applicant's gas;

    (2) Demonstrate that it has consulted with other jurisdictional entities with respect to the possibility of utilizing the proposed facilities to transport gas to onshore installations for such entities;

    (3) Utilize 30-inch (or larger if technologically possible) pipe for its offshore main line facilities although upon good cause shown Applicant may demonstrate in the alternative, the feasibility of a smaller proposed line;

    (4) Demonstrate that its proposed facilities will be utilized, either by it individually or jointly with other pipeline companies, at a minimum annual load factor of 60 percent of the annual capacity available by the end of a 12-month period following the installation thereof, unless a waiver is issued.

    (b) It is the intention of the Commission to enforce the fourth requirement by permitting offshore pipeline facilities, certificated after the date of this order, to be included in Applicant's cost-of-service in future rate proceedings at an average unit cost predicated upon load factors of not less than 60 percent of the annual capacity available.