§ 356.6 - Preservation of records.  

Latest version.
  • (a) All records listed in § 356.11 may be preserved in either hard-copy paperstock or nonerasable microfilm (see § 356.8). However, a paperstock or microfilm record need not be created to satisfy the requirements of this part if the particular records are initially prepared on nonerasable media such as punched cards, magnetic tapes and disks. The records maintained in nonreadable media and the underlying data used in their preparation shall be preserved for the periods prescribed in § 356.11. In no case shall a paperstock or microfilm record be destroyed after transfer to nonreadable media before expiration of the prescribed periods of retention without Commission approval (see § 356.7).

    (b) Each nonreadable form of media shall be accompanied by a statement clearly indicating the type of data included in the media and certifying that the information contained therein is complete and accurate. This statement shall be executed by a person having personal knowledge of the facts contained in the records. The records shall be indexed and retained in such a manner as will render them readily accessible, and the company shall have facilities available to locate, identify and reproduce the records on paper similar in size to the orginal without loss of clarity.