§ 362.11 - Property acquired through purchase, merger or consolidation.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If a common carrier, by purchase, or through merger or consolidation, acquires part or all of the physical property of another common carrier, the vendor shall issue an Authority for Expenditure and prepare a Completion Report to record its release of the property. The vendee shall issue an Authority for Expenditure and prepare a Completion Report to record its acquisition of the property.

    (b) If the transaction involves all of the property devoted to common carrier purposes by the vendor, and that property has been inventoried by the Commission, or if the part transferred consists of one or more valuation sections in entirety, the entries under the heading “Property Retired” in the vendor's Completion Report shall consist of a list of the valuation sections that comprise the property released, arranged by States and with the valuation section termini shown. A copy of the Record of Property Changes recording the changes that have been made in the property during the interval between the date it was inventoried and the date it is transferred to the vendee, shall be prepared by the vendor and given to the vendee at the time the transfer is effected. The record thus secured by the vendee shall be perpetuated and used to record the changes which it makes in the property subsequent to its acquisition. As reference the vendee shall use its own valuation section number or numbers and also refer to the previous owner and its valuation section number or numbers. The vendee shall list in its Completion Report, under the heading “Property Units Added,” the valuation sections that comprise the property acquired; the list shall be so arranged, described, and referenced as to correspond with the vendor's list. If new valuation section references are assigned by the vendee to the property acquired, they also shall be shown.

    (c) If all, or part, of the property transferred consists of a portion only of a valuation section, an inventory of the portion transferred that is less than a valuation section shall be taken and the Completion Reports of both the vendor and vendee shall enumerate the property units and quantities determined in that inventory, and their costs whenever possible.

    (d) If a common carrier acquires railway property from individuals, firms, corporations, or others, that were not common carriers, the vendee shall inventory the property acquired and shall embody the inventory in the appropriate Completion Report.