§ 362.133 - Subschedule M.  

Latest version.
  • (a) On B. V. Form No. 588, subschedule M (§ 362.300) there shall be reported the changes in the physical property that is owned and “held for purposes other than those of a common carrier,” including the additions to, and improvements of such property during the period and the sales, transfers, abandonments, or other dispositions made of such property or any part of it during the same interval.

    (b) The information reported shall be as prescribed by subschedule M and shall be grouped as may be appropriate under the following headings that shall be inserted upon the form:

    (1) Unimproved noncarrier lands.

    (2) Improved noncarrier lands.

    (3) Noncarrier improvements upon land which is classified as devoted to common-carrier purposes.

    (4) Noncarrier improvements upon lands belonging to others.

    (5) Assessments for public improvements applicable to noncarrier lands shall be reported by lump sums for each year.