§ 362.3 - Records to be established.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The records which compose the system that shall be established are here listed:

    (1) Authority for Expenditure, “Exhibit A.”

    (2) Detailed Estimate Sheet to supplement the Authority for Expenditure, “Exhibit A-1.”

    (3) Register of Authorities for Expenditures, “Exhibit B.”

    (4) Roadway Completion Report, “Exhibit C.”

    (5) Continuation Sheet to supplement the Roadway Completion Report, “Exhibit C-1.”

    (6) Semiannual Completion Report of Changes in Equipment, “Exhibit D.”

    (7) Record of Property Changes, “Exhibit E.”

    (b) The forms of the records numbered (1) to (6), inclusive, here prescribed, are shown by the exhibit lettered “A” to “D” (§ 362.300). These forms indicate the minimum information required for the Commission's purposes. Any or all of the records above specified may be varied as to the order and arrangement of the data required to be shown, and additional data may be shown at the option of the carrier, provided the minimum information required by these forms and instructions is shown upon the modified forms which carriers elect to use. The seventh record, styled Record of Property Changes, sample sheet of which is marked Exhibit “E” (§ 362.300) and made a part of the instructions in this part, may be varied to suit the convenience of carriers: Provided, The minimum information required by this form and instructions is shown upon the modified form which carriers elect to use: And provided further, That such modified form, Exhibit “E” (§ 362.300), shall not be adopted by the carrier until and unless approved by the Commission. With respect to size of forms, Numbers (1) to (7), inclusive, may be varied to suit the convenience of the carriers.