§ 401.60 - Draft environmental impact statement.  

Latest version.
  • The Executive Director shall prepare a substantive draft environmental impact statement as soon as practicable after the decision that the statement is necessary. Where a plan or program has been developed, the relationship between the plan and the subsequent projects or phases encompassed by it shall be evaluated to determine the preferable and most meaningful point in time for preparing a statement. Where practicable the statement will be drafted for the total program at the completion of the overall planning stage. Individual actions included in the plan will not require separate statements except where significant change has occurred. A supplemental statement will be issued covering only that change. The discussion of alternatives to the proposed action and their impact on the environment will accompany the proposed action through the Commission's entire review process. Generally the content of an environmental impact statement will include the following: (Substantive description of the content is available in supplemental guidelines upon request).

    (a) Summary.

    (b) Description of the proposed action, statement of its purpose and its components in detail commensurate for an assessment of potential environmental impact.

    (c) A succinct description of the environmental setting without the proposed action.

    (d) The relationship of the proposed action to water and land use plans, policies and controls for the affected area.

    (e) The probable impact of the proposed action on the environment, beneficial and adverse, including secondary or indirect, as well as primary or direct, consequences.

    (f) Any probable adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided, summarizing those effects discussed in paragraph (e) of this section that are adverse and unavoidable.

    (g) All reasonable alternatives to the proposed action that have been considered including that of no action, with an objective evaluation of the environmental impacts from each.

    (h) An evaluation of the proposed action in relation to short-term use of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity.

    (i) Any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.

    (j) An indication of other interests and considerations of Federal policy thought to offset the adverse environmental effects of the proposed action.

    (k) When determined by the Executive Director as necessary, an evaluation of environmental benefits, costs and risks of the proposed action compared to the alternatives considered against the quality of the human environment.