Annex V to Part 351 - Comparison of Prior and New Regulations  

Latest version.
  • Annex V to Part 351 - Comparison of Prior and New Regulations

    Prior New Description
    Subpart A - Scope and Definitions
    353.1 351.101 Scope of regulations
    353.2 351.102 Definitions
    353.3 351.104 Record of proceedings
    353.4 351.105 Public, proprietary, privileged & classified
    353.5 Removed Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 amendments
    353.6 351.106 De minimis weighted-average dumping margin
    Subpart B - Antidumping Duty Procedures
    353.11 351.201 Self-initiation
    353.12 351.202 Petition requirements
    353.13 351.203 Determination of sufficiency of petition
    353.14 351.204(e) Exclusion from antidumping duty order
    353.15 351.205 Preliminary determination
    353.16 351.206 Critical circumstances
    353.17 351.207 Termination of investigation
    353.18 351.208 Suspension of investigation
    353.19 351.209 Violation of suspension agreement
    353.20 351.210 Final determination
    353.21 351.211 Antidumping duty order
    353.21(c) 351.204(e) Exclusion from antidumping duty order
    1353.22(a)-(d) 351.213, 351.221 Administrative reviews under 751(a) of the Act
    353.22(e) 351.212(c) Automatic assessment of duties
    353.22(f) 351.216, 351.221(c)(3) Changed circumstances reviews
    353.22(g) 351.215, 351.221(c)(2) Expedited antidumping review
    353.23 351.212(d) Provisional measures deposit cap
    353.24 351.212(e) Interest on overpayments and under-payments
    353.25 351.222 Revocation of orders; termination of suspended investigations
    353.26 351.402(f) Reimbursement of duties
    353.27 351.223 Downstream product monitoring
    353.28 351.224 Correction of ministerial errors
    353.29 351.225 Scope rulings
    Subpart C - Information and Argument
    353.31(a)-(c) 351.301 Time Limits for submission of factual information
    353.31(a)(3) 351.301(d), 351.104(a)(2) Return of untimely material
    353.31(b)(3) 351.302(c) Request for extension of time
    353.31(d)-(i) 351.303 Filing, format, translation, service and certification
    353.32 351.304 Request for proprietary treatment of information
    353.33 351.104, 351.304(a)(2) Information exempt from disclosure
    353.34 351.305, 351.306 Disclosure of information under protective order
    353.35 Removed Ex parte meeting
    353.36 351.307 Verification
    353.37 351.308 Determination on the basis of the facts available
    353.38(a)-(e) 351.309 Written argument
    353.38(f) 351.310 Hearings
    Subpart D - Calculation of Export Price, Constructed Export Price, Fair Value and Normal Value
    353.41 351.402 Calculation of export price
    353.42(a) 351.102 Fair value (definition)
    353.42(b) 351.104(c) Transaction and persons examined
    353.43 351.403(b) Sales used in calculating normal value
    353.44 Removed Sales at varying prices
    353.45 351.403 Transactions between affiliated parties
    353.46 351.404 Selection of home market as the basis for normal value
    353.47 Removed Intermediate countries
    353.48 351.404 Basis for normal value if home market sales are inadequate
    353.49 351.404 Sales to a third country
    353.50 351.405, 351.407 Calculation of normal value based on constructed value
    353.51 351.406, 351.407 Sales at less than the cost of production
    353.52 351.408 Nonmarket economy countries
    353.53 Removed Multinational corporations
    353.54 351.401(b) Claims for adjustments
    353.55 351.409 Differences in quantities
    353.56 351.410 Differences in circumstances of sale
    353.57 351.411 Differences in physical characteristics
    353.58 351.412 Levels of trade
    353.59(a) 351.413 Insignificant adjustments
    353.59(b) 351.414 Use of averaging
    353.60 351.415 Conversion of currency
    Subpart A - Scope and Definitions
    355.1 351.001 Scope of regulations
    355.2 351.002 Definitions
    355.3 351.004 Record of proceeding
    355.4 351.005 Public, proprietary, privileged & classified
    355.5 351.003(a) Subsidy library
    355.6 Removed Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 amendments
    355.7 351.006 De minimis net subsidies
    Subpart B - Countervailing Duty Procedures
    355.11 351.101 Delf-initiation
    355.12 351.102 Petition requirements
    355.13 351.103 Determination of sufficiency of petition
    355.14 351.104(e) Exclusion from countervailing duty order
    355.15 351.105 Preliminary determination
    355.16 351.106 Critical circumstances
    355.17 351.107 Termination of investigation
    355.18 351.108 Suspension of investigation
    355.19 351.109 Violation of agreement
    355.20 351.110 Final determination
    355.21 351.111 Countervailing duty order
    355.21(c) 351.104(e) Exclusion from countervailing duty order
    355.22(a)-(c) 351.113, 351.121 Administrative reviews under 751(a) of the Act
    355.22(d) Removed Calculation of individual rates
    355.22(e) 351.113(h) Possible cancellation or revision of suspension agreements
    355.22(f) Removed Review of individual producer or exporter
    355.22(g) 351.112(c) Automatic assessment of duties
    355.22(h) 351.116, 351.121(c)(3) Changed circumstances review
    355.22(i) 351.120, 351.221(c)(7) Review at the direction of the President
    355.23 351.112(d) Provisional measures deposit cap
    355.24 351.112(e) Interest on overpayments and underpayments
    355.25 351.112 Revocation of orders; termination of suspended investigations
    355.27 351.123 Downstream product monitoring
    355.28 351.124 Correction of ministerial errors
    355.29 351.125 Scope determinations
    Subpart C - Information and Argument
    355.31(a)-(c) 351.301 Time limits for submission of factual information
    355.31(a)(3) 351.302(d), 351.104(a)(2) Return of untimely material
    355.31(b)(3) 351.302(c) Request for extension of time
    355.31(d)-(i) 351.303 Filing, format, translation, service and certification
    355.32 351.304 Request for proprietary treatment of information
    355.33 351.104, 351.304(a)(2) Information exempt from disclosure
    355.34 351.305, 351.306 Disclosure of information under protective order
    355.35 Removed Ex parte meeting
    355.36 351.307 Verification
    355.37 351.308 Determinations on the basis of the facts available
    355.38(a)-(e) 351.309 Written argument
    355.38(f) 351.310 Hearings
    355.39 351.311 Subsidy practice discovered during investigation or review
    Subpart D - Quota Cheese Subsidy Determinations
    355.41 Removed Definition of subsidy
    355.42 351.601 Annual list and quarterly update
    355.43 351.602 Determination upon request
    355.44 351.603 Complaint of price-undercutting
    355.45 351.604 Access to information