§ 10.184 - Refund of duties on certain wool imports.

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Section 505 of Title V of Pub. L. 106-200 (114 Stat. 251), entitled the Trade and Development Act of 2000, authorizes the President to refund duties paid on imports of eligible wool products. The statute permits eligible importing-manufacturers and, in certain circumstances, manufacturers who are not importers, to apply for a refund of duties paid on imports of eligible wool products in each of three succeeding years. Claimants are eligible for a refund of duties paid on imports of eligible wool products in each of calendar years 2000, 2001 and 2002, limited to an amount not to exceed one-third of the duties paid on such wool products imported in calendar year 1999. This section sets forth the legal requirements and procedures that apply for purposes of obtaining this duty refund.

    (b) Eligible wool products. For purposes of this section, the term eligible wool product” means an imported wool product described under a Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States subheading listed under paragraph (c) of this section, relevant to a manufacturer of the particular wool products specified in paragraph (c).

    (c) Refunds authorized by section 505—(1) Worsted wool fabric. For each of calendar years 2000, 2001 and 2002, a U.S. manufacturer of men's or boys' suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers, of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in HTSUS subheadings 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12, is eligible to claim a limited refund of the duties paid in such calendar years on entries of such fabrics that were imported or purchased by the manufacturer. HTSUS subheading 9902.51.11 provides for fabrics, of worsted wool, with average fiber diameters greater than 18.5 micron, all the foregoing certified by the importer as suitable for use in making suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers. HTSUS subheading 9902.51.12 provides for fabrics, of worsted wool, with average fiber diameters of 18.5 micron or less, all the foregoing certified by the importer as suitable for use in making suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers. The amount of duties eligible to be refunded to the manufacturer for each of these calendar years is limited to an amount not to exceed one-third of the amount of duties paid on calendar year 1999 imports of worsted wool fabric that was imported or purchased by the manufacturer and entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90. A broker or other individual acting on behalf of the manufacturer is ineligible to claim a duty refund.

    (2) Wool yarn. For each of calendar years 2000, 2001 and 2002, a U.S. manufacturer of worsted wool fabric, who imports wool yarn of the kind described in HTSUS subheading 9902.51.13, is eligible to claim a limited refund of the duties paid in each of these years on such imported wool yarn. HTSUS subheading 9902.51.13 provides for yarn, of combed wool, not put up for retail sale, containing 85 percent or more by weight of wool, formed with wool fibers having diameters of 18.5 micron or less. The amount of duties eligible to be refunded to the manufacturer for each of these calendar years is limited to an amount not to exceed one-third of the amount of duties paid by the importing-manufacturer on calendar year 1999 imports of wool yarn entered under HTSUS subheading 5107.10.00.

    (3) Wool fiber and wool top. For each of calendar years 2000, 2001 and 2002, a U.S. manufacturer of wool yarn or wool fabric, who imports wool fiber or wool top of the kind described in HTSUS subheading 9902.51.14, is eligible to claim a limited refund of the duties paid in each of these years on such wool fiber or wool top. HTSUS subheading 9902.51.14 provides for wool fiber, waste, garnetted stock, combed wool, or wool top, having average fiber diameters of 18.5 micron or less. The amount of duties eligible to be refunded to the manufacturer for each of these calendar years is limited to an amount not to exceed one-third of the amount of duties paid by the importing-manufacturer on calendar year 1999 imports of wool fiber or wool top entered under HTSUS subheadings 5101.11, 5101.19, 5101.21, 5101.29, 5101.30, 5103.10, 5103.20, 5104.00, 5105.21 or 5105.29.

    (d) Manufacturer's letter of intent to file a claim for a wool duty refund. A manufacturer that anticipates filing a wool duty refund claim in calendar years 2000, 2001, and 2002, pursuant to the terms of paragraph (c) of this section, must first file with Customs a letter of intent to that effect. A manufacturer's letter of intent must substantiate, to Customs satisfaction, the amount of duties paid on eligible wool products imported in calendar year 1999.

    (1) Documentation required where the manufacturer is the importer. Where a manufacturer is the importer of the eligible wool products imported in calendar year 1999, a letter of intent to file a wool duty refund claim must be signed by the manufacturer or a knowledgeable authorized officer or employee of the manufacturer and must state that, to the best of the signer's knowledge and belief, the information contained in the letter is accurate and truthful. The letter of intent must contain the following information:

    (i) A statement of the total amount of duties paid by the importing-manufacturer on eligible wool products imported in calendar year 1999;

    (ii) A list of relevant entry summary numbers, set forth as an attachment in either a paper or an electronic format (the latter submitted to Customs on diskette), that substantiates the amount set forth in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section; and

    (iii) A statement that no entry summary has been listed in paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section that did not liquidate under the HTSUS subheadings that provide a basis for a wool duty refund.

    (2) Documentation required where the manufacturer is not the importer, but the manufacturer possesses the relevant entry summary numbers. Where a manufacturer described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section was not the calendar year 1999 importer of worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90, but possesses the relevant entry summary numbers, a letter of intent to file a wool duty refund claim must be submitted to Customs and signed by the non-importing manufacturer or a knowledgeable authorized officer or employee of the manufacturer. The letter of intent must state that, to the best of the signer's knowledge and belief, the information contained in the letter is accurate and truthful.

    (i) The non-importing manufacturer's letter of intent must contain the following information:

    (A) A statement as to the identity of the importer(s) or supplier(s) who sold worsted wool fabric that was imported in calendar year 1999, and entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90, to the manufacturer;

    (B) Copies of all relevant invoices, set forth as an attachment, that demonstrate that the manufacturer purchased imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(A) of this section from an identified importer(s) or identified supplier(s) and that establish, where applicable, that the identified supplier(s) purchased such fabric from the identified importer(s);

    (C) A completed Customs Form (CF) 5106—Importer ID Input Record, set forth as an attachment; and

    (D) A signed affidavit, set forth as an attachment, that contains the following information:

    (1) A statement that the affiant is a U.S. manufacturer of men's or boys' suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers, of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in HTSUS subheadings 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12;

    (2) A statement that the affiant was not the importer in calendar year 1999 of worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90;

    (3) A statement as to the quantity of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(D)(2) of this section that the affiant purchased from an identified importer(s) or from an identified supplier(s), with copies of relevant invoices attached;

    (4) If the affiant purchased fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(D)(2) of this section from an identified supplier, a statement that the affiant has been provided with substantiating documentation that establishes that the subject fabric was imported by the identified importer; and

    (5) A statement by the affiant that the identified importer(s) has provided a list of relevant entry summary numbers directly to the affiant that substantiates the amount of duties paid on calendar year 1999 imports of worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90, as identified in the submitted invoices, and such information is set forth as an attachment; and/or

    (6) A statement by the affiant that the identified importer has agreed to submit a signed affidavit directly to Customs with the relevant entry summary numbers attached.

    (ii) A non-importing manufacturer's affidavit to substantiate the amount of duties paid on worsted wool fabric imported in calendar year 1999 must be signed by the manufacturer or a knowledgeable authorized officer or employee of the manufacturer, and be submitted to Customs in the following format:

    (iii) If an importer assists in the substantiation of a non-importing manufacturer's letter of intent by submitting relevant entry summary numbers directly to Customs as an attachment to a signed affidavit, the importer's affidavit must be signed by the importer or a knowledgeable officer or employee of the importer and must state that, to the best of the affiant's knowledge and belief, the information contained in the affidavit is accurate and truthful. The importer's signed affidavit must contain the following information:

    (A) A statement that the affiant paid duties on calendar year 1999 imports of worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90;

    (B) Identification of the claimant, or supplier to the claimant, to whom the affiant sold imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(A) of this section;

    (C) A list of relevant entry summary numbers for worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(A) of this section, imported in calendar year 1999, set forth as an attachment in either a paper or an electronic format (the latter submitted to Customs on diskette), that substantiates the amount of duties paid on such fabric sold to the identified claimant or identified supplier, as evidenced by the claimant's invoices; and

    (D) A statement that the importer has not listed any entry summary in paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(C) of this section that did not liquidate under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90.

    (iv) The importer's affidavit in support of a non-importing manufacturer's letter of intent to claim a wool duty refund must be signed by the importer or a knowledgeable officer or employee of the importer, and be submitted to Customs in the following format:

    (3) Documentation required where the manufacturer is not the importer and the manufacturer does not possess the relevant entry summary numbers. Where a manufacturer described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section was not the calendar year 1999 importer of worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90, and does not possess the relevant entry summary numbers, a letter of intent to file a wool duty refund claim must be submitted to Customs and signed by the non-importing manufacturer or a knowledgeable authorized officer or employee of the manufacturer. The letter of intent must state that, to the best of the signer's knowledge and belief, the information contained in the letter is accurate and truthful.

    (i) The non-importing manufacturer's letter of intent, where the manufacturer does not possess the relevant entry summary numbers, must contain the following information:

    (A) A statement as to the identity of the importer(s) or supplier(s) who sold imported worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90 to the non-importing manufacturer;

    (B) Copies of all relevant calendar year 1999 invoices, set forth as an attachment, that demonstrate that the non-importing manufacturer purchased imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(3)(i)(A) of this section from an identified importer(s) or identified supplier(s);

    (C) A statement that if the non-importing manufacturer purchased imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(3)(i)(A) of this section from an identified supplier, the manufacturer has substantiating documentation that establishes that such fabric was imported by the identified importer;

    (D) A completed Customs Form (CF) 5106—Importer ID Input Record, set forth as an attachment; and

    (E) A signed affidavit, set forth as an attachment, that contains the following information:

    (1) A statement that the affiant is a U.S. manufacturer of men's or boys' suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers, of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in HTSUS subheadings 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12;

    (2) A statement that the affiant was not the importer in calendar year 1999 of worsted wool fabric entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90;

    (3) A statement of the quantity of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(3)(i)(E)(2) of this section that the affiant purchased from an identified importer(s) or from an identified supplier(s), with copies of the relevant invoices attached;

    (4) A statement that where the affiant purchased imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (d)(3)(i)(E)(2) of this section from an identified supplier, the affiant has substantiating documentation that establishes that such fabric was imported by the identified importer; and

    (5) A statement by the affiant that a good faith effort was made to contact the identified importer and request relevant entry summary numbers that substantiate the amount of duties paid on calendar year 1999 imports of worsted wool fabric identified in the submitted invoices, but the identified importer is unable or unwilling to provide such assistance.

    (ii) A non-importing manufacturer's affidavit to estimate and substantiate the amount of duties paid by the importer on worsted wool fabric imported in calendar year 1999, where no entry summary numbers are available, must be signed by the manufacturer or a knowledgeable authorized officer or employee of the manufacturer, and be submitted to Customs in the following format:

    (4) Documentation required where the manufacturer is both an importer and a purchaser of eligible worsted wool fabric. Where a manufacturer described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section is both an importer and a purchaser of eligible worsted wool fabric, the manufacturer must submit to Customs a letter of intent to file a wool duty refund claim that is signed by the manufacturer or a knowledgeable authorized officer or employee of the manufacturer. The letter of intent must state that, to the best of the signer's knowledge and belief, the information contained in the letter is accurate and truthful, and must contain the following:

    (i) Where the manufacturer is the importer, the information described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section;

    (ii) Where the manufacturer is not the importer, but the manufacturer possesses the relevant entry summary numbers, the information described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section and the relevant entry summary numbers may be submitted directly to Customs by the manufacturer and/or the importer(s); and/or

    (iii)Where the manufacturer is not the importer, and the manufacturer does not possess the relevant entry summary numbers, the information described in paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

    (5) Documentation required where a prospective claimant is the legal assignee of an eligible manufacturer's potential wool duty refund rights. To file a letter of intent where the prospective claimant is the legal assignee of any potential wool duty refund claim rights attributable to an eligible manufacturer described in paragraph (c) of this section, the facts of such legal assignation, and the identity of all affected parties, must be submitted to Customs in a written attachment to the letter of intent, and additional substantiating documentation must be available to Custom upon request. Only those assignees that substantiate, to Customs satisfaction, the terms and legality of the assignation will be eligible to claim a wool duty refund.

    (6) Time to file a letter of intent. A manufacturer's letter of intent to file a wool duty refund claim, including amendments, all attachments and, where applicable, the importer's signed affidavit in support of the manufacturer's letter of intent, must be received by Customs no later than May 8, 2001, unless this date is extended upon due notice in the Federal Register.

    (7) Place to file a letter of intent. A manufacturer's letter of intent to file a wool duty refund claim, including all attachments and, where applicable, the importer's signed affidavit in support of the manufacturer's letter of intent, must be submitted to: U.S. Customs Service, Wool Refund Claim, Residual Liquidation and Protest Branch, Rm. 761, 6 World Trade Center, New York, N.Y. 10048-0945.

    (e) Customs verification letter. Customs will issue to a prospective claimant a written verification letter within 30 calendar days from the date Customs receives a timely and complete letter of intent that relies solely on relevant entry summary numbers to substantiate, to Customs satisfaction, the amount of duties paid on eligible wool products imported in calendar year 1999. Where a prospective claimant submits a letter of intent that relies on invoices, in whole or in part, to substantiate, to Customs satisfaction, the amount of duties paid on eligible wool products imported in calendar year 1999, Customs will issue a verification letter to such prospective claimant within 30 calendar days after the date all letters of intent must be received by Customs, as set forth in paragraph (d)(6) of this section. The amount of potential duty refund will be based on the quantity of eligible wool products that was imported by the prospective claimant or, where the prospective claimant was not the importer, purchased by the prospective claimant (as indicated by submitted invoices). If entry summary numbers are used to substantiate the amount of duties paid on eligible wool products imported in calendar year 1999, the potential refund amount will be limited to the amount of duties paid on such entry summaries that is attributable to that quantity of eligible wool products. If, instead, invoices are used to estimate and substantiate the amount of duties paid on eligible wool fabrics imported in calendar year 1999, the amount of duties will be determined by deducting 10 percent from the invoice amounts (to deduct imputed profits and costs), dividing the resulting adjusted invoice amounts by 130.6% to back out the duty, and then multiplying that amount times the duty rate (30.6%). If the aggregate amount of duties attributable to an importer exceeds the amount of duties paid by that importer in calendar year 1999, as indicated by ACS, an adjustment will be made to those claimants requiring use of the invoice formula. The percentage deducted from the invoice amounts for those claimants will be increased on a pro rata basis to ensure that the aggregate amount to be refunded does not exceed the ACS amount. Refund amounts substantiated by entry summary numbers will not be reduced. A letter of verification will set forth the following information:

    (1) The prospective claimant's claim identification number;

    (2) The maximum amount of wool duty refund that the individual prospective claimant will be eligible to receive in each of calendar years 2000, 2001, and 2002; and

    (3) Where invoices are used to substantiate the amount of duties paid on worsted wool fabric in calendar year 1999, the percentage that was deducted from the invoice amounts, with accompanying explanation.

    (f) Eligibility criteria to claim a wool duty refund for calendar years 2000, 2001, and 2002. To be eligible to claim a refund of duties paid on imports of certain wool products in calendar years 2000, 2001, and 2002, a claimant must be in receipt of a claim verification letter from Customs. Additionally, in each calendar year for which a wool duty refund claim is being made, a claimant must be:

    (1) A U.S. manufacturer of men's or boys' suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers, of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in HTSUS subheadings 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12, for which duties were paid on entries made under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90 in calendar year 2000, or under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.30, 5112.11.60, 5112.19.60, 5112.19.95, 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12 in calendar years 2001 and 2002;

    (2) A U.S. manufacturer of worsted wool fabric who paid duties on imported wool yarn of the kind described in HTSUS subheading 9902.51.13 and entered under HTSUS subheadings 5107.10.00 in calendar year 2000, or under HTSUS subheadings 5107.10.30 or 9902.51.13 in calendar years 2001 and 2002;

    (3) A U.S. manufacturer of wool yarn or wool fabric who paid duties on imported wool fiber or wool top of the kind described in HTSUS subheading 9902.51.14 and entered under HTSUS subheadings 5101.11, 5101.19, 5101.21, 5101.29, 5101.30, 5103.10, 5103.20, 5104.00, 5105.21 or 5105.29 in calendar years 2000, 2001 and 2002, or under HTSUS subheading 9902.51.14 in calendar years 2001 and 2002; and/or

    (4) A legal assignee of the existing wool duty refund claim rights of an eligible manufacturer described in paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this section.

    (g) Procedures for filing a claim—(1) Time to file. An eligible claimant may file with Customs one wool duty refund claim for each of calendar claim years 2000, 2001 and 2002, including, where applicable, related amended claims. A claim may be amended within 90 calendar days from the date of the original submission or, if Customs has notified the claimant in writing that the claim is insufficient to support the claim as requested or is otherwise defective (e.g., a claim that relies on an entry summary that is ineligible for a wool duty refund, as provided for in § 10.184(j)), within 90 calendar days from the date of the Customs notification. All claims for a wool duty refund, whether original or amended in the absence of a Customs notification of insufficiency or defect, must be received by Customs no later than December 31 of the year following the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought, with the exception of claims for calendar claim year 2000 which may be filed no later than December 31, 2002. An amended claim made in response to a Customs notification of insufficiency or defect may be submitted to Customs after the December 31 deadline applicable to all other claim submissions. A claimant may file two separate duty refund claims in a single calendar year, so long as the claims are for two different claim years.

    (2) Place to file. A claim for a refund of duties paid on imports of eligible wool products must be submitted to: U.S. Customs Service, Office of Field Operations, Wool Duty Refund Unit, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20229.

    (3) Documentation. (i) Where the manufacturer is the importer. To file a wool duty refund claim, an importing-manufacturer must provide Customs with a copy of the verification letter the claimant received from Customs and an affidavit, signed by the manufacturer or a knowledgeable officer or employee of the manufacturer, that contains the following information:

    (A) A statement that the affiant is/was a U.S. manufacturer of the kind described in paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this section, in the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought;

    (B) A statement of the total amount of duties paid by the affiant in that year on eligible wool products;

    (C) The total amount of duty refund being claimed;

    (D) A list of relevant entry summary numbers, set forth as an attachment and submitted to Customs in either a paper or an electronic format (the latter on diskette), that substantiates the amount of duties for which a refund is being claimed in paragraph (g)(3)(i)(C) of this section, and does not exceed the affiant's share of duties eligible to be refunded as set forth in the attached verification letter;

    (E) A statement that no entry summary has been listed in paragraph (g)(3)(i)(D) of this section that has already had 99% or more of the amount of duties paid on that entry refunded pursuant to any refund claim authorized by law; and

    (F) A statement that identifies, if applicable, any entry summary listed in paragraph (g)(3)(i)(D) of this section that is, or may become, subject to an outstanding drawback claim, protest, or any other refund claim authorized by law.

    (ii) Form of affidavit. An importing-manufacturer's signed affidavit to substantiate a wool duty refund claim in calendar years 2000, 2001, or 2002 must be signed by the manufacturer, or a knowledgeable officer or employee of the manufacturer, and submitted to Customs in the following format:

    (iii) Where the manufacturer is not the importer. To file a wool duty refund claim, a manufacturer of men's or boys' suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers, of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in HSTUS subheadings 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12, who is a purchaser but not the importer of such fabric, must provide Customs with a copy of the verification letter the claimant received from Customs and an affidavit signed by the manufacturer, or a knowledgeable officer or employee of the manufacturer, that contains the following information:

    (A) A statement that the affiant is/was a U.S. manufacturer in the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought, of men's or boys' suits, suit-type jackets, or trousers, of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in HTSUS subheadings 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12;

    (B) A statement that the affiant was not the importer in the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii)(A) of this section;

    (C) A statement as to the quantity of imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii)(A) of this section that the affiant purchased from an identified importer(s) or from an identified supplier(s), with copies of relevant invoices attached;

    (D) A statement that where the affiant purchased imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii)(A) of this section from an identified supplier(s), the affiant has substantiating documentation that establishes that such fabric was imported by the identified importer(s); and

    (E) A statement by the affiant that the identified importer(s) has provided a list of relevant entry summary numbers directly to the affiant that substantiates the amount of duties paid in the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought on imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii)(A) of this section, as identified in the submitted invoices, and entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90 in calendar year 2000, or under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.30, 5112.11.60, 5112.19.60, 5112.19.95, 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12 in calendar years 2001 and 2002, and such information is set forth as an attachment; and/or

    (F) A statement by the affiant that the identified importer(s) has agreed to submit a signed affidavit directly to Customs with the relevant entry summary numbers attached that substantiates the amount of duties paid in the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought on imported worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii)(A) of this section, as identified in the submitted invoices, and entered under HTSUS subheadings 5112.11.20 or 5112.19.90 in calendar year 2000, or underHTSUS subheadings 5112.11.30, 5112.11.60, 5112.19.60, 5112.19.95, 9902.51.11 or 9902.51.12 in calendar years 2001 and 2002.

    (iv) Form of affidavit. A manufacturer who is not the importer of the imported worsted wool fabric must submit to Customs an affidavit to substantiate a wool duty refund claim in calendar years 2000, 2001, or 2002, signed by the manufacturer or a knowledgeable officer or employee of the manufacturer, in the following format:

    (v) Required content of an importer's signed affidavit in support of a manufacturer's wool duty refund claim. Where an importer chooses to assist in the substantiation of a non-importing manufacturer's wool duty refund claim by submitting relevant entry summary numbers directly to Customs, such entry information must be set forth as an attachment to an affidavit that is signed by the importer or by a knowledgeable officer or employee of the importer, and must contain the following information:

    (A) A statement as to the total amount of duties that the importer paid in the calendar year for which a wool duty refund is being sought on worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this section;

    (B) A statement that the importer sold worsted wool fabric of the kind described paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this section, to the identified manufacturer or to the identified supplier(s);

    (C) A list of relevant entry summary numbers for worsted wool fabric of the kind described in paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this section, set forth as an attachment in either a paper or an electronic format (the latter submitted to Customs on diskette), that substantiates the amount of duties paid in the calendar claim year for which a wool duty refund is being sought on such fabric that was sold by the importer to the identified manufacturer or to the identified supplier(s);

    (D) A statement that no entry summary number has been listed in paragraph (g)(3)(v)(C) of this section that has already had 99% or more of the amount of duties paid on that entry refunded pursuant to any refund claim authorized by law; and

    (E) A statement that lists any entry summary number in paragraph (g)(3)(v)(C) of this section that is, or may become, subject to an outstanding drawback claim, protest, or any other refund claim authorized by law.

    (vi) Form of affidavit. The importer's affidavit in support of manufacturer's wool duty refund claim must be signed by the importer or by a knowledgeable officer or employee of the importer, and be submitted to Customs in the following format:

    (vii) Documentation required where the manufacturer is both an importer and a purchaser of eligible worsted wool fabric. Where a manufacturer described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section is both an importer and a purchaser of eligible worsted wool fabric, the manufacturer must provide Customs with both the documentation described in paragraphs(g)(3)(i) and (g)(3)(ii) of this section, and the documentation described in paragraphs (g)(3)(iii) and (g)(3)(iv) of this section.

    (viii) Documentation required where the claimant is the legal assignee of an eligible manufacturer's wool duty refund claim rights. To file a wool duty refund claim where the claimant is the legal assignee of the existing wool duty refund claim rights of an eligible manufacturer described in paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this section, the facts of such legal assignation, and the identity of all affected parties, must be submitted to Customs in a written attachment to the claim, and additional substantiating documentation must be available to Custom upon request. Only those assignees that substantiate, to Customs satisfaction, the terms and legality of the assignation will be eligible to claim a wool duty refund.

    (h) Wool duty refund claim processing procedures. Upon receipt of a timely and complete wool duty refund claim filed pursuant to the terms of this section, Customs will determine the liquidation status of the entry summaries used to substantiate the claim. No duty refund will be issued to a claimant until all the entry summaries identified for purposes of substantiating the claim have been finally liquidated and the applicable amendment period, as set forth in paragraph (g)(1) of this section has expired or the claimant has submitted to Customs a signed waiver of amendment.

    (i) Denial of a wool duty refund claim. Customs may deny a wool duty refund claim if the claim was not timely filed, if the claimant is not eligible pursuant to the terms of this section, or if the claimant has not complied with the requirements of this section. Customs will provide the claimant with written notice of the denial of the claim, including the reason for the denial.

    (j) Multiple refund claims and pending judicial review—(1) Allowance or denial of subsequent claims. If an entry has been used to provide the basis for a duty refund claim pursuant to this section, and the entire amount of duties paid on that entry was refunded to the claimant, a claim for drawback, or any other refund claim authorized by law, that is based on that entry, will be denied by Customs. If an entry has been used to substantiate a claim for a duty refund under this section, and an amount in duties paid on that entry has not been refunded, the remaining amount may be eligible for subsequent duty refund claims under this section, drawback, or any other refund claim authorized by law. An entry that has already had 99% or more of the duties paid on that entry refunded by way of a drawback claim, protest, or any other claim authorized by law, may not be used to provide the basis for a wool duty refund claim.

    (2) Substitution of entry summary numbers. If a duty refund claim under this section has not yet been processed by Customs, an importer may substitute an entry summary that has already been identified to Customs for purposes of substantiating the claim with another comparable entry summary, so long as the amount of duty paid in connection with the replacement entry is not less than the duty paid on the entry that was identified to Customs originally.

    (3) Pending judicial review. If a summons involving the tariff classification or the dutiability of an imported wool product has been filed in the Court of International Trade, Customs will deem any entry summary at issue in that judicial proceeding ineligible to substantiate a duty refund claim.

    (k) Penalties and liquidated damages. A wool duty refund claimant's failure to comply with any of the procedural requirements set forth in this document, or failure to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, may subject the claimant to penalties, liquidated damages or other administrative sanctions.