Subpart J - Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement  

Retroactive Preferential Tariff Treatment for Textile and Apparel Goods
§ 10.625 - Refunds of excess customs duties.
§ 10.699 - Refunds of excess customs duties.
Import Requirements
§ 10.583 - Filing of claim for preferential tariff treatment upon importation.
§ 10.584 - Certification.
§ 10.585 - Importer obligations.
§ 10.586 - Certification not required.
§ 10.587 - Maintenance of records.
§ 10.588 - Effect of noncompliance; failure to provide documentation regarding transshipment.
Export Requirements
§ 10.589 - Certification for goods exported to a Party.
General Provisions
§ 10.581 - Scope.
§ 10.582 - General definitions.
Post-Importation Duty Refund Claims
§ 10.590 - Right to make post-importation claim and refund duties.
§ 10.591 - Filing procedures.
§ 10.592 - CBP processing procedures.
§ 10.620 - General.
§ 10.621 - Corrected claim or certification by importers.
§ 10.622 - Corrected certification by U.S. exporters or producers.
§ 10.623 - Framework for correcting claims or certifications.
Origin Verifications and Determinations
§ 10.616 - Verification and justification of claim for preferential tariff treatment.
§ 10.617 - Special rule for verifications in a Party of U.S. imports of textile and apparel goods.
§ 10.618 - Issuance of negative origin determinations.
§ 10.619 - Repeated false or unsupported preference claims.
Goods Returned After Repair or Alteration
§ 10.624 - Goods re-entered after repair or alteration in a Party.
Tariff Preference Level
§ 10.606 - Filing of claim for tariff preference level.
§ 10.607 - Goods eligible for tariff preference level claims.
§ 10.608 - Submission of certificate of eligibility for certain apparel goods of Nicaragua.
§ 10.609 - Transshipment of non-originating cotton or man-made fiber apparel goods.
§ 10.610 - Effect of noncompliance; failure to provide documentation regarding transshipment of non-originating cotton or man-made fiber apparel goods.
Rules of Origin
§ 10.593 - Definitions.
§ 10.594 - Originating goods.
§ 10.595 - Regional value content.
§ 10.596 - Value of materials.
§ 10.597 - Accumulation.
§ 10.598 - De minimis.
§ 10.599 - Fungible goods and materials.
§ 10.600 - Accessories, spare parts, or tools.
§ 10.601 - Retail packaging materials and containers.
§ 10.602 - Packing materials and containers for shipment.
§ 10.603 - Indirect materials.
§ 10.604 - Transit and transshipment.
§ 10.605 - Goods classifiable as goods put up in sets.