Part 165 - Investigation of Claims of Evasion of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties  

§ 165.0 - Scope.
Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 165.1 - Definitions.
§ 165.2 - Entries subject to this part.
§ 165.3 - Power of attorney.
§ 165.4 - Release of information provided by interested parties.
§ 165.5 - Obtaining and submitting information.
§ 165.6 - Adverse inferences.
§ 165.7 - Protection of public health and safety.
Subpart B - Initiation of Investigations
§ 165.11 - Allegations by interested parties.
§ 165.12 - Receipt of allegations.
§ 165.13 - Consolidation of allegations.
§ 165.14 - Other Federal agency requests for investigations.
§ 165.15 - Initiation of investigations.
§ 165.16 - Referrals to Department of Commerce.
Subpart C - Investigation Procedures
§ 165.21 - Administrative record.
§ 165.22 - Time for investigations.
§ 165.23 - Submission of factual information.
§ 165.24 - Interim measures.
§ 165.25 - Verifications of information.
§ 165.26 - Written arguments.
§ 165.27 - Determination as to evasion.
§ 165.28 - Assessments of duties owed; other actions.
Subpart D - Administrative Review of Determinations as to Evasion
§ 165.41 - Filing a request for review of the determination.
§ 165.42 - Responses to requests for administrative review.
§ 165.43 - Withdrawal.
§ 165.44 - Additional information.
§ 165.45 - Standard for administrative review.
§ 165.46 - Final administrative determination.
§ 165.47 - Potential penalties and other actions.