Part 182 - United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 182.0 - Scope.
§ 182.1 - General definitions.
§ 182.2 - Confidentiality.
Subpart B - Import Requirements
§ 182.11 - Filing of claim for preferential tariff treatment upon importation.
§ 182.12 - Certification of origin.
§ 182.13 - Importer obligations.
§ 182.14 - Certification of origin not required.
§ 182.15 - Maintenance of records.
§ 182.16 - Effect of noncompliance; failure to provide documentation regarding transshipment.
§§ 182.11--182.16 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Export Requirements
§ 182.21 - Certification of origin for goods exported to Canada or Mexico.
Subpart D - Post-Importation Duty Refund Claims
§ 182.31 - Right to make post-importation claim for preferential tariff treatment and refund duties.
§ 182.32 - Filing procedures.
§ 182.33 - CBP processing procedures.
§§ 182.31--182.33 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Restrictions on Drawback and Duty-Deferral Programs
§ 182.41 - Applicability.
§ 182.42 - Duties and fees not subject to drawback.
§ 182.43 - Eligible goods subject to USMCA drawback.
§ 182.44 - Calculation of drawback.
§ 182.45 - Goods eligible for full drawback.
§ 182.46 - Filing of drawback claim.
§ 182.47 - Completion of claim for drawback.
§ 182.49 - Retention of records.
§ 182.50 - Liquidation and payment of drawback claims.
§ 182.51 - Prevention of improper payment of claims.
§ 182.52 - Subsequent claims for preferential tariff treatment.
§ 182.54 - Verification of claim for drawback, waiver or reduction of duties.
§§ 182.41--182.54 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Rules of Origin
§ 182.61 - Rules of origin.
§ 182.62 - [Reserved]
Subpart G - Origin Verifications and Determinations
§ 182.71 - Applicability.
§ 182.72 - Verification of claim for preferential tariff treatment.
§ 182.73 - Notification and response procedures.
§ 182.74 - Verification visit procedures.
§ 182.75 - Determinations of origin.
§ 182.76 - Repeated false or unsupported preference claims.
§§ 182.71--182.74 - [Reserved]
Subpart H - Textile and Apparel Goods
§§ 182.81--182.82 - [Reserved]
Subpart I - Automotive Goods
§§ 182.91--182.93 - [Reserved]
Subpart J - Commercial Samples and Goods Returned after Repair or Alteration
§ 182.111 - Commercial samples of negligible value.
§ 182.112 - Goods re-entered after repair or alteration in Canada or Mexico.
§§ 182.101--182.102 - [Reserved]
Subpart K - Penalties
§ 182.121 - General.
§ 182.122 - Corrected claim or certification of origin by importers.
§ 182.123 - Corrected certification of origin by U.S. exporters or producers.
§ 182.124 - Framework for correcting claims or certifications of origin.
§§ 182.111--182.114 - [Reserved]
Appendix A to Part 182 - Rules of Origin Regulations